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Can you help with an English assignment? An argumentative essay APA…

Can you help with an English assignment? An argumentative essay APA form  4-5pages with one source


Essay 4 is a sourced, argumentative essay, written not in MLA form, but in APA form.

(No worries: APA’s easy.)


This essay functions as a transition to ENGL1302: Composition II (Rhetoric), as per STC policy (wherein each English class must conclude with a transition to the next class in the English sequence).


Consider, therefore, the argumentative essay.


What that means is this: start looking for a published piece of writing–any piece of published writing!, about any subject!–with which you disagree. Again: one source only, not two or three or more.


In the essay, you’ll properly present what the piece of writing has to say, maybe agree with some of it, then spend the rest of the essay arguing against it.


To do so, in paragraph 1, after the hook/lead, clearly introduce the piece of writing (title and author); then, summarize it; then, clarify why you disagree with it. (This would be your thesis; if you list reasons you disagree with it, then you’ll have created a preview thesis. The choice is yours!)


Then, in a new paragraph (or more), quote/acknowledge any point(s) in the essay with which you agree (assuming there are any), explaining why you agree with them. (This could be skipped, or one paragraph, or even several paragraphs, depending on your thoughts about your chosen source.) 


Then (and this should be the bulk of the essay), in a new paragraph (or more), acknowledge the points in the essay with which you disagree, explaining why you disagree with them. (Ideally, you should isolate and attack each point you disagree with in a separate paragraph.)  You should not (need to) provide counter-research.


Then, in a final paragraph, conclude: interestingly, memorably–not repetitively.


Then, attach a References page, clarifying the publishing information of your source. 


As always, keep this in mind:

be sure you find the subject of the article you disagree with interesting,
be sure you disagree with most of what it’s saying,
and be sure you can disagree without having to look stuff up. This is not a research essay, not should it read as one!


The final draft will meet these guidelines to the best of your abilities.


All criteria for the paper rest on the concepts discussed in the assigned readings and lectures.



The paper should have …

a creative, interesting title.
an introduction that contains an attention-grabbing lead/hook; a clear introduction of the source you’re ultimately arguing against; and a strong thesis statement.
body paragraphs that each discuss one reason you agree or disagree with your source–each body paragraph containing a clear topic sentence, a citation from your source, lots of details and examples and explanations of why you agree or disagree, and a clear concluding sentence.
a conclusion that emphasizes the essay’s point.



Each body paragraph should …

have a clear, transitional topic sentence.
quote once from your source.
offer clear examples explaining why you agree/disagree. It’s fine, even encouraged, to use first person (personal experience, not research) therein.



The writing style should …

be clear and direct (no needless wordiness).
be compromised of sentences of various length.
likely shift between third person and first person (not second person).
have minimal grammar errors.



4 full pages, minimum. (No maximum.)



APA (see above).