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amalkhatib56 can you expand this essay according to the guidelines The Impact of…can you expand this essay according to the guidelinesThe Impact of Surveillance and Privacy Concerns on Information TechnologiesIntroduction: The rapid advancements in information technologies have led to an increased prevalence of surveillance practices, raising significant concerns about privacy. This paper explores the impact of surveillance and privacy issues on information technologies. The thesis statement argues that the concept of “privacy by design” is crucial in mitigating the negative consequences of surveillance and enhancing the protection of individuals’ privacy.Analysis: To understand the implications of surveillance and privacy concerns on information technologies, this paper will discuss two class readings on the subject. Additionally, two peer-reviewed academic articles directly related to the topic will be analyzed to gain deeper insights into the issues.Class Reading 1: “The Ethics of Data Surveillance” by John Doe In this article, Doe discusses the ethical implications of data surveillance and its impact on privacy rights. He emphasizes the need for a balanced approach between national security interests and individual privacy rights. Doe argues that information technologies should be developed with built-in privacy safeguards, allowing for transparent data collection practices.Class Reading 2: “Surveillance and the Impact on Democratic Societies” by Jane Smith Smith’s article examines how widespread surveillance practices can potentially erode democratic principles, such as freedom of speech and expression. She highlights the importance of striking a balance between security measures and respecting civil liberties. Smith advocates for comprehensive data protection laws to prevent abuse of surveillance technologies.Academic Article 1: “Privacy by Design: A Framework for Information Technology Developers” by Emily Johnson Johnson’s article proposes the concept of “privacy by design,” where information technology developers embed privacy features into their products from the inception stage. She argues that this approach can proactively address privacy concerns and prevent data breaches.Academic Article 2: “The Impact of Surveillance on Individual Behavior” by Michael Brown Brown’s research investigates how the knowledge of surveillance affects individual behavior. He finds that pervasive surveillance can lead to self-censorship and diminished trust in online platforms. Brown recommends transparent communication from companies regarding data collection practices to enhance user trust.The analysis of class readings and academic articles supports the thesis statement that privacy by design is essential for addressing surveillance and privacy concerns in information technologies. Incorporating privacy measures from the early stages of development can safeguard individuals’ rights and maintain democratic values. Striking a balance between security and privacy is crucial to ensuring a harmonious coexistence between information technologies and societal well-being.In light of the readings and academic articles, it is evident that the issue of surveillance and privacy in information technologies requires careful consideration. The concept of “privacy by design” emerges as a practical and ethical approach to address the concerns surrounding data surveillance and protection.Privacy by design emphasizes the integration of privacy features into the development of information technologies right from the start. This proactive approach ensures that privacy considerations are not treated as an afterthought but are inherent in the design process. By adopting privacy by design principles, information technology developers can prioritize users’ privacy and data protection.The “privacy by design” approach aligns with the recommendations from both the class readings and academic articles. The focus on transparent data collection practices, clear communication with users, and a balanced approach to surveillance aligns with the principles of privacy by design. Implementing privacy by design principles can help build trust between users and technology developers, leading to a more ethical and sustainable technology ecosystem.In conclusion, the issue of surveillance and privacy concerns in information technologies is complex and multifaceted. The constant advancements in technology raise questions about how to strike a balance between security measures and protecting individuals’ privacy rights. The analysis of class readings and academic articles highlights the significance of adopting a proactive approach, such as “privacy by design,” to address these concerns effectively.”Privacy by design” emphasizes integrating privacy features into information technologies from their inception, ensuring that privacy considerations are at the core of the design process. By prioritizing privacy, developers can build trustworthy and ethical technology solutions that respect individuals’ rights and enhance the protection of personal data. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for policymakers, technology developers, and users to collaborate in finding innovative solutions that safeguard privacy while enabling advancements in information technologies. Striking the right balance between surveillance and privacy is crucial in maintaining democratic values and promoting a just and equitable society.Image transcription textINFO/IS/MACS 202 Summer 2023 Short Essay Assignment:Expanded Topic Analysis Paper Due: August 4, 5pm For this paper,you will pick one of the following topics covered this s… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTask Description Points Introduction and Clearly delineate thefocus 5 conclusion of the paper Thesis statement Clearly stateargument to 5 be presented and supported in the pape… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFrom peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings Bestlocated through library databases, not Google or Google ScholarIDENTIFYING Usually structured in sections related t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT . Topic: Algorithms and Al,Surveillance and Privacy, Intellectual Property, Work, Sport andFitness, Science and Data, or Covid and IT . Thesis Stat… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFINAL PAPER For this paper, you will pick one of the followingtopics covered this semester: Algorithms and Al, Within that topic, focus in on a particular issue . To better understand th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor this paper, you will pick one of the following topics coveredthis semester: Algorithms and Al, Surveillance and Privacy,Intellectual Property, Work, Sport and Fitness, Scienc… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish