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A growing number of high school students with disabilities want to continue their education beyond high school and enroll in college. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 364,800 individuals in Nebraska have a disability; this is equivalent to 24% or 1 in 4 adults in Nebraska; mobility and physical are one of the disability kinds I would want to talk about in this article. In most cases, impairments, restrictions, or features are used to describe mobility and physical disabilities. These are the kinds of things that limit or hinder independent movement or the full use of one or more bodily components. The individual may have been born with the physical impairment, or it may have developed later in life as a consequence of an accident, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, amputation, multiple sclerosis, lung illness, heart disease, or any of a number of other conditions or diseases. There are around 4 million persons in the United States who are unable to walk a quarter mile or find it very difficult to do so. This accounts for 7.8% of the adult population that does not reside in institutions. (Data obtained from the CDC)

According to the Office for Civil Rights, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Title II) both ban discrimination on the basis of disability. These two laws are enforced by the office for Civil Rights. I think Chadron State College is doing an excellent job with this, but what about extracurricular activities for those students? And what about the religious way of life? I have been living in Chadron for the last three years. During this time, I have participated in several extracurricular activities, including volunteering at various locations and being an active member of both my school and my local church community. On the other hand, I have seen that there is a paucity of resources that are accessible to students and adults who have a mobility limitation, and they are also interested in becoming a part of the spiritual life of the community. Chadron is home to nineteen different churches, which is a significant amount; yet it is unclear how mobile individuals and students may connect with and become a part of these congregations. This is a paper that I would want to write about the campus ministry Newman house that I am involved with, and I really want to do something not only for students with mobility but also for adults who want to join us. People who are limited physically or in their mobility may conceive of spirituality in a variety of ways, and the components that make up their version of spirituality will be entirely unique to them. Because having a belief in God or making a commitment to friendship and community may both provide a person a sense of meaning, purpose, and hope in their lives, these aspects of a person’s life should not be overlooked as a part of the lives of persons who have a physical impairment. One of the reasons it is neglected is because many supports social workers feel they are either not educated to deal with it or that there just isn’t enough time to adequately include it into the support they are giving. This is one of the reasons it gets overlooked.

            Students of any religious persuasion are invited to participate in the Catholic Campus Ministry that is housed at the Newman House. At 907 Main Street is where students will find the Newman House. Wednesday evenings at 5:00 p.m., we have regular meals, and then at 7:00 p.m., we have bible study. In addition, we organize and host a variety of additional events, such as game evenings, movie nights, and retreats. In addition, we provide free Wi-Fi, laundry facilities, and study areas for all of our students. 

            When working on projects that need the development of wheelchair accessible routes, it is vital to ensure that at least one main entrance is available. This is a difficulty for individuals who live with mobility, as is the case with the Newman home and several churches. Those entryways do not have ramps for wheelchairs. Either the major entrance of the residence must be at the same level as the floor, or it must have a slope in order to guarantee that people who have mobility impairments are able to enter and depart the building and move to the appropriate areas inside it. Due to the fact that this home was built sixty years ago.  


            Now, we don’t have any students and adults have mobility and physical disabilities. But as a future social worker and one of leader students I would like to suggest something for this house. Building a ramp for wheelchair access is not the same as constructing a temporary ramp to facilitate the movement of equipment in and out of a storage shed. To make this home wheelchair accessible and to ensure the safety of everybody who uses the ramp, it is essential to plan the construction of the ramp with great care. For me, because we don’t have a director in this house, so we will looking the portable ramps, in this particular scenario with the staircase, portable ramps provide a multitude of advantages.


            The second thing we’ll do is recognize that spherical doorknobs may be tough to open. Install level door handles to make it simpler for persons with mobility issues.

            The third issue that I believe needs to be improved is the bathroom. Since we do not have grab rails, wall reinforcements and grab rails should be added in strategic spots such as around the shower and toilet. Make sure the grip rails are installed correctly. It is just as risky to have a grab rail that has been incorrectly placed as it is to have none at all.

            How would I advocate for the individual on the micro, mezzo and macro level? First and foremost, aware of who I am? It is essential to our efforts to be allies and to bring about change that we take some time to think on our respective social locations, positions of power, and levels of authority as a social worker on disability people. Have a solid awareness of the implications of letting institutional systems bring prejudice into our personal practices and how it works.


            First, understanding who I am? reflecting on our social locations, positions of power, and authority is critical towards being an ally and implementing change. Have a strong understanding to allowing institutional structures to perpetuate discrimination into our personal practice.

            The practice of social work as a career. I have the capacity to relate with those who advocate for disability rights and their own goals. Pertaining to the social construction of justice for people with disabilities and the identification of all factors that contribute to its production.  Social workers are in a unique position to give people with disabilities more control over their lives, validate the challenges they face, and inspire them to use their voices to make a difference. At the same time, social workers are able to make use of their platform and positions of authority in order to achieve the same objectives.

In conclusion, it is feasible for the practice of social work to become more inclusive if social workers are aware of the ways in which individuals with disabilities are stigmatized in a variety of cultural situations. This awareness is necessary for the practice of social work to become more inclusive. This understanding also relates to the social changes that are necessary to reduce the amount of oppression that exists.

            Because Newman house is a catholic house for students is based on the Catholic tradition. The Catholic tradition holds that all human life is of the same value, that it is inherently holy, and that it deserves dignity and respect as the foundation for a society that is fair. 

People who with disabilities are not relegated to the periphery of society and are not forced into poverty; rather, they are fully included in all aspects of social life and are acknowledged as an essential component of the human race in a society that is fair. Because I am a Catholic, I want to have a conversation with the Bishop during the once yearly visit he makes to our community. I have high hopes that I will be able to make the small thing better not only for this house but also for the children and adults in Chadron, which is the place that I consider to be my home.