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Brief summary  of the essay in 1 – 3 sentences. Explain the main…
Brief summary of the essay in 1 – 3 sentences.
Explain the main argument made by the writer or the “big idea” of the piece.
Rhetorical Response to the essay.
How did the author use logos, pathos or ethos to successfully support the argument? Use specific examples from the text.
Was there any evidence of unbalanced or false rhetoric (fallacies)? If so, explain.
What other rhetorical moves (analogies, definitions, causations, evaluations, rebuttals, proposals) did you notice the writer making?
Personal Response to the essay.
What attracted your attention in the argument or writing? What will you remember about this piece?
What questions do you have after reading this? How could the author have better informed you about this topic?
How do your own experiences shape the way you see or understand this piece?

Steel Magnolias” is an excellent movie filled with real life scenarios of young love, laughter, tragedy, and friendship set in small-town Chinquapin Parish, Louisiana. Starring all the original and great divas from the past. Slowly one by one they are introduced in their own eccentric ways. Each with a flamboyant southern bell personality, separate from each other but the circle and true bond of friendship wouldn’t be complete without each role in this film being played to perfection. 

It is a movie that[a1]  one moment you will be laughing hysterically and the next scene will have you in tears but it was written so well that the tears are immediately wiped up with some comical scene, this movie will have you on an emotional roller coaster and even leaving you with a feeling of awe at times, questioning and maybe even longing for the true display of friendship and the unbreakable bonds in this movie. The named genre is a perfect description comedy – drama. 

The movie starts with “Annelle” new to town fresh out of beauty school makes her way on to the scene for an interview with Truvy the local beautician. It is at this point in the movie the feminine stereo types [a2] of southern women and their gossip, tips tricks, and friendly chit chat come to life. 

So the story revolves around Shelby ” Julia Roberts” and her over protective mother M’Lynn ” Sally Field.

Shelby has diabetes and M’Lynn has cared for her for years, now  Shelby is in love and set to be married as the movie kicks off it’s a rat race of a day with finishing preparations for the wedding. M’lynn is worried Shelby and her new husband Jackson “Dylan McDermott” won’t take the seriousness of Shelbys condition seriously.  Shelbys father Drum “Tom Skerritt” on the other hand is trying to carry out his wife’s wishes by ridding the magnolia tree of the birds, he does so by firing off very loud blanks into the tree. It is here that Ouizer ” Shirley McClain” makes the scene and you will be hysterical in laughter as Ouizer and Drum go toe to toe in sarcastic battle wit towards ensues toward one another. 

After the wedding the scene jumps to the reception that is full of people watching by the all-star southern bells commenting on the guests. Ouizer is tasked with serving the ever so grotesque Armadillo grooms’ cake, Drum approaches and asks “Ouizer to set aside their differences long enough to get a slice of cake”. Ouizer with a very profound look of Ill fix you look on her face chops the rear end of the cake off and plates it for Drum, Drum looks the slice over and says ” Thanks Ouizer there’s nothing like a good piece of ass” (40:54) the quick wit and laughter will keep you enthralled in every moment wanting and hoping for more. You will definitely want to pause so as not to miss a thing.

Some time goes by, and Shelby becomes pregnant after being told by the doctor she shouldn’t as it would be dangerous and take a toll on her already bad circulatory system. When Jack Jr. is around 3 years old Shelby falls into a coma that eventually leads to M’Lynn as a mother having to make a very difficult decision after months of sitting with Shelby in a coma to stop her life support. It is at this point in the movie you can see just how strong the bonds of family but more so the circle of friendship this movie depicts. A scene in the cemetery after the funeral will have your gut tangled in grief and your nose running all the friends stand with M’Lynn as she fights to understand why her daughter is no longer with her,  proclaiming all the reasons and questions then in a plea of grief  M’Lynn is screaming ” I just want to hit somebody until they feel as bad as I do,  I want to hit something and hit it hard” (1:40)     Clairee ( Olympia Dukakis) shoves Ouizer forward offering her up as a punching bag saying ” hit this, go ahead M’Lynn slap her” (1:44) ” well sell t-shirts saying I slapped Ouizer Boudreau, Hit Her” (1:45:) [a3] the outrageousness of Clairees proposal breaks up the grief and has them all laughing, except for Ouizer. 

The movie moves on from the death of Shelby and shows tad bits of the life after ending with an Easter egg hunt where Annelle goes into labor and is rushed off to give birth. This is a must see and the story line is a pure and untainted view of true friendship with an unbreakable bond.