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ndoyeabdoudior Book:     Question:    . The Contradictions of Italian American…Book: Image transcription textThe Contradictions of Italian American Identity AnAnthropologist’s Persona] View THOMAS BELMONTE In 1914,as Italian immigration into this country was close to pe… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHOMAS BELMONTE ers, seht out into the city to forage or get amenial job. The early insistence that the child contribute to thefamily was to have portentous consequences in a soci- … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHOMAS BELMONTE THE CONTRADICTIONS OF ITALIANAMERICAN IDENTITY Southern Italian men had always defendedtheir honor through the con- gang of Italian American … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHOMAS rumours diese criminal gangs expanded theiroperations. If the Italian gangs were unique, it was in the way theywere able to appropriate the I’decent” code of the fam… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHOMAS BELMONTE Children learn early that corporalpunishment, taken at times to excess by middle-class Americanstandards, is an outlet for parental frustrationfl’hus th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHOMAS BELMONTE Not that the culture of the southernpeasant was entirely circumscribed by these pessimistic, if tacit,understandings. If an ethos of cunning (1a furbizia) wa… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text1HOMAS BELMONTE about the neighborhood on the brawnybacks of the local men. Perhaps this im- posing, monumental?ower (as the local priests will tell you) is only a repro… Show more… Show moreImage transcription texti i l i THOMAS EELMONTE to relinquish the medieval mind, withits sensuousness, its Wisdom, its religious devotions, its oaths, itsbelief in envy-motivated magic and the power of incan… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHOMAS BELMONTE THE CONTRADICTIONS OF ITALIANAMERICAN IDENTITY readily to the media of film and television,the novel demands that both author 3. See William Fo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHOMAS BELMONTE 16. On Fasanella’s work, see the illustratedvolume by Patrick Watson, Fasanella’s City (New York: Knopf,1973). Further Reading The Genealogy of Ice Banfield,… Show more… Show more Question: Image transcription textQuestions about Thomas Belmonte, “The Contradictions ofItalian American Identity” 1. List and discuss some of the”contradictions” of Italian American identi… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish