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MagistrateUniverse26008 Based on the essay below, come up with a  1. Title for the essay…Based on the essay below, come up with a 1. Title for the essay and 2. A thesis for the essay The text “Air Pollution” by Gale effectively teaches readers about air pollution and how it affects the environment and human health. Being one of the most industrialized nations, the United States struggles with air pollution. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that seven million deaths yearly are attributable to illnesses brought on by dirty air, including heart disease and respiratory problems. Human actions like burning fossil fuels and natural events like volcanoes both contribute to air pollution. When dangerous pollutants like smoke, dust, and chemicals are released into the air in large enough amounts to harm people, plants, and other living things, that air is polluted. Air pollution control can lessen illness outbreaks brought on by global warming while also slowing the process down. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research, air pollution is consistently rising in the U.S. The sources of air pollution in the U.S. environment are examined, as well as the harm it does to the human body. As a result, because a significant portion of air pollution is generated by humans, providing thoughtful answers to these concerns can aid in the problem’s resolution. The authors skillfully use rhetorical strategies to substantiate their claims with reliable evidence and arguments. The author provides persuasive responses to all possible counterarguments. A critical problem that has to be addressed is air pollution, and the writers provide readers with a valuable resource to help them comprehend the scope of the issue and what can be done to lessen it. The writers persuasively argue that air pollution is a significant issue that requires attention by offering data, a logical justification, and details on what both people and governments can do. It is crucial for readers to take the knowledge in this article seriously and to act to lessen air pollution. This article serves as a crucial resource for understanding the problem and taking action, emphasizing how communities, governments, and people must collaborate to minimize air pollution. The writer wants to inform readers about air pollution and the different ways it harms the environment and our health. To address the major issues related to air pollution and minimize them, the authors want to convince readers to take action. The author of the particle’s position is that air pollution is a major health hazard and that tackling it can help mitigate climate change while providing economic and health benefits. Air pollution causes can be linked to specific elements, places, or actions that release toxic gasses into the environment. Fossil fuels used in vehicles, aircraft, and other power-generating equipment are burned, releasing pollutants into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Because we depend on these devices to carry out our everyday tasks, the more we use them, the more air pollution we produce. Governments, other environmental organizations, and people must thus develop alternatives to reduce the usage of these fuels. A significant additional source of air pollution is agricultural activity. Agricultural chemicals, including herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers, release toxic gasses into the atmosphere. When these dangerous gasses are breathed, they damage the ecosystem by causing acid rain and illnesses in living things. In addition, using tractors on farms releases a lot of dust into the air, making it harder for living organisms to breathe. The writers do not immediately address the opposition’s claims in the text. To refute any possible counterarguments that could be made, they do provide compelling facts and justifications. The author’s position is finally supported by strong facts and justifications, which makes for a compelling argument. Further data on the effects of air pollution on the environment and human health and an examination of possible strategies readers may use to lessen air pollution would strengthen the authors’ case. The growing rate of smoke and fume emissions from industrial units and factories across the U.S. is one of the major reasons for the increased air pollution in different parts of the country. The direct release of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, which is causing air pollution to rise in several locations of the U.S., has been noted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as an increase in air pollution. Power plants operating in the United States are directly contaminating the air to a greater extent by releasing enormous amounts of carbon monoxide, organic compounds, and chemical pollutants. The government is concerned because these firms and power plant units are spewing harmful pollutants in greater quantities. The community living adjacent to the industrial units is concerned about the direct air pollution caused by the industrial units operating in various states. Due to their high stability features, the gasses released from certain industrial units remain in the atmosphere for a considerable amount of time and seriously harm human lungs. The rising pace of transportation due to population increase is another factor contributing to air pollution in the United States. As a result of people’s reliance on automobiles for everyday mobility, the government finds it challenging to control the excessive use of transportation as a source of air pollution. The authors emphasize the importance of transitioning to cleaner, more sustainable forms of energy, such as renewable sources, to protect our health and the environment. In their argument and call for government action to minimize air pollution, the writers provide evidence to support their claims. To prove that air pollution has to be addressed, the writers provide evidence. Statistics, facts, and studies from science are included in the evidence. The authors encourage readers to take action to minimize air pollution by using these pieces of evidence to show how air pollution is harming the environment and human health. They outline the science of air pollution, its effects on the environment and human health, and possible ways to lessen it. The writers are more successful in convincing readers to take action to lower air pollution thanks to this line of thinking. Given that the writers clearly explain air pollution and its effects, it is possible to assume that the material is intended for a wide readership. Both professionals and laypeople may understand the writers’ arguments and justifications, which are also presented. Energy conservation is one method that may be utilized to lower air pollution. Using energy-efficient appliances and turning off lights when not in use can minimize the number of fossil fuels burned to create electricity, lowering air pollution. Hence, everyone must save energy because doing so will minimize air pollution and its associated health risks. There is more air pollution in a city as automobiles grow. In order to lessen air pollution, individuals should adopt the usage of public transportation. Using public transportation will result in less fossil fuel burning and safer air. To assist in stopping the air pollution crisis, the government should enact legislation emphasizing the use of public transportation in urban areas. The acidity of the rain due to air pollution is the first consequence to be discussed. As rainfall is already acidic and air pollution includes numerous hazardous compounds, it becomes much more so, having a detrimental effect on human health. Acidic rain, which is detrimental to society, is produced when the acid in the air gets more acidic due to air pollution. Rainwater is affected by air pollution in a way that causes it to penetrate the soil, where acidic rain weakens the roots. For the trees to continue providing oxygen for human habitation, their leaves also weaken, and the nutrients in their water supply decrease. The oxygen generated by injured trees will also be reduced due to their thinner leaves and roots, which will impact people’s health because there will be less oxygen available. The chemistry of the land, lakes, and rivers also alters due to acid rain, which is bad for society and the human body. Extreme weather conditions can injure trees, plants, and vegetation if they are exposed to too much ozone while growing. Particulate matter is air pollution’s third consequence. Particulate matter, which seriously threatens human health, can be one kind of air pollution. The harm caused by particulate matter exposure to humans relies on the length of time the particulate matter was in contact with the body as well as the chemicals and pollutants that made up the particulate matter. In conclusion, the article “Air Pollution” is a well-written piece that successfully informs readers about air pollution and how it impacts the environment and human health. The well-written article “Air Pollution” successfully teaches readers about air pollution and the various ways it affects the environment and people’s health. The writers also provide persuasive responses to all possible counterarguments. Overall, the author’s argument is compelling, but it might be made stronger by providing more evidence and outlining potential steps readers may take to reduce air pollution. The writers expertly use rhetorical devices to support their claims with believable data and justifications. All potential counterarguments are also convincingly addressed by the writers. As human activities account for a large portion of air pollution, a critical examination of its sources and consequences will aid in the development of long-term solutions that will aid in containing the problem. Every person must improve the earth’s habitat for all living things since air pollution has catastrophic impacts that are felt worldwide. Each of us should contribute to the reduction of air pollution since it may have a serious negative impact on human health and can even be fatal. Even if it is impossible to solve every air pollution issue, breaking it down into smaller components might assist in lessening the effects that air pollution does on the human body. By taking proactive measures, such as selecting fuel-efficient, low-pollution automobiles, one may lessen the air pollution brought on by gas emissions from automobile engines. Using canvas bags rather than plastic or paper bags can also help minimize air pollution, as using these materials can significantly worsen air pollution. Everyone must work together to minimize air pollution and protect themselves from exposure to lethal chemicals. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish