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CommodoreClover2833 attempt to place the student’s example into another type of…attempt to place the student’s example into another type of category, if possible. Explain why that was easy or hard and what factors you evaluated that caused you to classify the offense as that category.  1. I choose to look at The Doctor Rapist or John Huntington Story. Story lived in a small town in Wyoming where he was the local doctor. He was married and had a successful practice. Story would routinely give pelvic exams to women that came in for any ailment. This took place over his twenty-five years of practice and involved over 100 women and would have probably continued if one woman had not reported her unusual visit. It seems odd that he could do this to so many women for so long and get away with it. However this is because of the area he chose to practice medicine. He chose a small town where many of the residents shared the same religion and he knew he could gain their trust and manipulate his patients. I choose this profile because it is similar to a more recent case involving Dr. Larry Nassar who was the physician for the U.S women’s national gymnastics team and the Michigan State University team. As a competitive gymnast, this case had far reaching effects on not just the organizations that he worked for but the sport as a whole.  Nassar also chose a small niche group of individuals that he could manipulate into trusting him. Due to his status many people felt it was a compliment for him to take them on as a patient. For this reason most complaints were viewed as being outlandish and that the girls were just making excuses for not winning. (Freeman, 2018)In both of these cases I would label both as the relational type as confidence because in both cases they were able to gain the trust of the individuals in the community. For Story it was the citizens of a small town in Wyoming and for Nassar it was a small group of elite athletes. I would also categorize them both as compensatory predators. Neither of them were violent or aggressive toward women, they systematically chose a small group of women to prey on and went undetected for decades because they had gained the trust and respect of the communities they were treating.  2. John Huntington Story, also known as The Doctor Rapist, was a family doctor in Lovell, Wyoming. He performed “hundreds of pelvic examinations, even when the complaint was for a headache or ear infection” (Hickey, 2016, p.167). He raped over a hundred, unknowing women and girls, including his wife. “He chose his victims-who ranged in age from 10 to 68- carefully for their vulnerability” (Allison and Wrightsman, 1993, p.20). He would examine and photograph his female patients under the disguise of a medical examination. In the John H. Story case, confidence rape was commited. Confidence rape occurs when the offender(s) “win the trust of the victim in order to carry out a sexual assault” (Hickey, 2016, p.185.) Story first won patient trust, in addition to the trust of the community. He was observed as a kind medical professional who you could go to with your issues, and look toward for help. This being said, along with the “non violent” nature of the crime, one would consider him a compensatory rapist.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish