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As teachers prepare to establish their own classroom practices, it…

As teachers prepare to establish their own classroom practices, it is important to observe other educators and how they have created a positive learning environment. Through observation, teachers are able to identify additional techniques and strategies they can apply to their own future professional practice.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this clinical field experience.

In an inclusive classroom at any grade level K-12, work with your mentor teacher to identify a small group of 3-5 students who are struggling with motivation and engagement. Include in the group at least one student with a mild or moderate disability. Before observing these students, discuss with your mentor teacher the strategies that have previously been implemented as motivational and instructional interventions. Discuss the teacher’s expectations and routines that affect this group of students, specifically their motivation and engagement.

Observe these students in the classroom during whole group instruction, small group instruction, or one-on-one instruction as well as independent work times. During the observation, take note of the strategies used by the mentor teacher to create a positive, safe, and productive learning environment as well as motivational and instructional strategies used. How did students respond to the strategies? Pay close attention to how the physical learning environment reinforces self-advocacy, increases independence, and emphasizes the safe and ethical use of information and technology.

Following the observation, review the IEPs for students with disabilities in the small group selected with the mentor teacher. Work with the mentor teacher to develop a classroom management strategy that can be implemented during instruction in Topic 4 Clinical Field Experience B. The strategy can increase cultural and diversity awareness, improve student communication, increase student motivation and engagement, or help support a positive learning environment.

Spend any remaining field experience hours observing or assisting the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

In 250-500 summary, reflect on your observation, IEP review, and strategy development with the mentor teacher by addressing the following:

How the mentor teacher created a positive, safe, and productive learning environment. If not observed, what could be changed to positively affect the environment?
Motivational and instructional strategies used by the mentor teacher and how students responded to those strategies
How the physical learning environment reinforces self-advocacy, increases independence, and emphasizes the safe and ethical use of information and technology
How the strategy developed by you and your mentor teacher will support the students in the group, including the students with an IEP, and how it will support a positive learning environment?
How you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice related to creating a safe, inclusive environment that promotes students self-advocacy, including those with exceptionalities.

Be sure to maintain confidentiality by using pseudonyms when identifying students in the class.