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As is true for New York City, New Orleans was, and is, ethnically…

As is true for New York City, New Orleans was, and is, ethnically diverse, and the music of the city reflects this.

1. Discuss a type of music that you listen to and what cultural influences it represents.

2. Post a link for a recording that is a good example of the style you discuss, and explain to us how this song reflects its cultural influences.


The question is not just about a genre or style that you like. We are studying New Orleans this week, and New Orleans had, and still has, a mix of cultures that all contributed to the begininng of jazz and to its current musical styles. So the question is about a place and an associated style. But for an example, rap styles are different in different cities. So if you are talking about rap, which style? New York, Atlanta, LA?



1. A type of music I  listen to is called Bollywood. As I have stated in some if my other discussion boards, I grew up listening to Bollywood Music and watching a Bollywood film. It is part of my culture and childhood. Bollywood music encompasses a wide range of musical genres, including practically all formal music genres like Rock, Pop, Classical, and Traditional. Traditional Ragas were used for the majority of the music in previous movies, which greatly increased their longevity. It is mainly from India. Bollywood music is filled with joy, emotion, excitement etc. It is in my opinion the best thing to listen to especially when getting your feelings out. It is also the best to dance to.



This song is by a popular singer called Anuradha Sriram. The link below to the song is called ” Dupatta Haai Dupatta”. This song is full of emotions and joy. It is a very enjoyable song because you can dance to it. The music hits you with all the instruments at first and then the lyrics comes in along with the dancing. In the song, the two are expressing there feelings about eachother. The lyrics have a deep and meaningful impact because it is how they’re expressing themselves through Dancing and singing. This song is a very upbeat tempo while there are other bollywood themed songs that have more of a low tempo with more emotional lyrics. 



1. The type of music I listen to ranges from American rap to Montenegrian music. Growing up, my parents made it a point for me to be bilingual and enjoy listening to music from Montenegro. Montenegrian music has had cultural influences on me. For starters, when listening to this type of music, I would say my favorite genre is hip-hop. Hip-hop is my favorite genre of music because, unlike the American hip-hop that comes out now, it is not violent. When listening to the lyrics and beat, it makes you feel nostalgic in a good way. It also represents cultural influences because it speaks to my morals most of the time. 


The song Los is by a popular artist known as Breskvica, the title translates to “Bad” in English. One part of the song that stands out to me and my culture is “Da ti igram cele noci.”. This translates to “I am going to dance all night.”. This song speaks about love and dancing at weddings. Typically in our culture, when we have weddings we have two specific dances we must do, which is why Breskvica said that. At moments, the guests cannot dance which makes it ironic she said that. She was implying that she would never stop dancing and for her lover to not comment about it. 



1. The type of music I grew up listening to is Vallenato which is one of the most popular genre from Colombia along with salsa. Vallenato is the definition of the culture in Colombia because of the rhythm and the instruments used. Majority of the time, vallenato uses the accordion, guitar and guacharaca (a percussion instrument). Every time I listen to vallenato I just imagine being in Colombia during the night and seeing people dance to this type of music, drinking aguardiente or a beer just having fun. The thing that I like about vallenato is you can portray it in two ways depending on how you feel. If you’re filled with joy you dance and enjoy the rhythm of the music, if you’re feeling down you sing the words with a lot of emotion. 

2. The link below is a song called “Niegame Tres Veces” from a famous vallenato singer, Silvestre Dangond. This song immediately hits you with all the instruments and beats that reflect Colombian culture. Specifically at 1:18, the song begins its chorus which is so powerful in how the singer does it. The video below is a lyric video, but on the side of it are the 6 famous vallenato singers including Dangond himself. The video even includes an image of an accordion and a drum to demonstrate the music itself. I personally think vallenato is such a beautiful genre of music in which you feel alive whenever it plays. 


looking at the examples please answer the two questions.