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1/Do you consider Candice’s caregivers (Mom – Shelly and her boyfriend – Drew) to be at-risk caregivers? Explain your answer


2/ Using the case study, fully explain in detail how you would respond as the educator in this situation. Include who you would and would not speak with. Include what you would and would not say to the child next


3/If Candice were to stay in your program, what specific strategies OR goals would you use to support her and her development in the classroom?  


4/How would you respond to Shelly when she challenges you on why a report to a Children’s Aid Society was made after she learns about the report? Be sure to indicate exactly what you would say Shelly

5/Using the Suspected Child Abuse Reporting Form template (below), document the case study as you would an actual report. The report should be submitted exactly as it would be filed. Use the information in the case study. Remember that for the documentation to be considered valid, all necessary areas of the form must be filled out.

6/ Name of the child: ……………………………………………  Date & time of observation:…………………………..

Describe fully:

A/ The incident, situation, and statements, including details of any disclosure, and the child’s response upon disclosure (in the child’s word, if applicable).


B/ Behavioural and/or physical indicators of abuse, including injuries and/or signs of illness:


C/ The emotional condition of the child, including any behavioural concerns or any noticeable changes in the child’s behavior patterns.


D/ If known, the risks of further harm to the child, including the access of the alleged abuser to the child.






Candice Green is a 4-year-old and has been attending your preschool program for the past 2 years. She lives with her mother (Shelly), her mother’s boyfriend (Drew) and has 2-year-old twin sisters. You have seen Shelly drop Candice off at childcare for the last 2 years and always seems like a patient and kind mother. Today, Shelly tells you that Candice “is a handful at home and is always getting into things she shouldn’t”. 

Yesterday, when Shelly dropped Candice off, you noticed a bruise under Shelley’s eye that looks to be covered in makeup. You ask Shelly if she is alright, and she says, yes and then points to her eye and says, “oh this, I was reaching up into the cupboard and a bowl fell down on me”.

Shelly calls out to Candice, who is playing puzzles at a table close by, “Come say goodbye and give me a kiss, I have to go!” Candice looks up at Shelly and shakes her head no. As you walk away to speak to two children fighting over a truck, you hear Shelly tell Candice, “Don’t make me come over there, get over here now missy!” You see Candice slowly walk toward her mother. As Candice approaches, Shelly grabs her by one arm and says (in a quiet voice), “I’m sick and tired of your behaviour young lady, we will see about it when I get you home after work!” She kisses Candice on the forehead and leaves.

Half an hour later, you are offering the children snack and while eating at the table you overhear Candice tell a friend next to her, “If you don’t do what I say, you won’t eat anything else today, do I make myself clear little missy?” Her friend looks at her and begins to cry. You ask Candice what is happening and she says, “This kid needs to learn her lesson”. When you ask what that means, Candice shrugs her shoulders and says, “I don’t know but Drew tells Mommy that and then he hits me if I don’t do what he tells me.”

During outdoor play time, Candice is trying to convince a friend to give her a turn on the tricycle. You observe the children problem-solving and only step in after you hear Candice say, “Do you want one of these again? (as she holds up a fist and appears ready to punch her friend). You say her name and put up your hand to stop her from punching her friend and then she flinches and covers her face. You ask her to come with you to have a talk. When you ask her why she is acting like this today, and what is wrong, she answers, “Drew tells me if I be bad, I’m going get it and when Mommy tells him to leave me alone, he tells her he is going to give her one of these (again she holds up her fist).”

At naptime, you notice Candice is sleeping and crying out. You think she is having a bad dream so you gently wake her up and she screams and then pees on her cot. She picks her up to take her to the bathroom to change her and she won’t stop crying and is clutching her teddy bear tightly. You tell her you need to wash the bear (which smells of urine) and as you take it from her, she begins sucking her thumb.   

You are able to calm her and change her and she appears to be happy until Shelly appears at 4 pm. As soon as Candice sees her Mom, she begins to cry and says, “I don’t want to go” and runs over to you and hugs you tightly. You tell Candice, “It’s okay, you can come back tomorrow and we will play again” but Candice shakes her head no. Shelly says, “Come on Candice, it’s been a long day, let’s go, we have to get your sisters!” and then turns to you and says, “I could have 2 sets of twins and it doesn’t take as much effort as I need for her”(and points to Candice).

 As you begin to walk Candice to her mom, she is hesitating and drags her feet. Her mom comes close and scoops her up and says, “I don’t have time for this nonsense”. You tell Shelly about the nightmare at naptime and she responds, “She does this all the time at home, it’s what she does to get attention and I’m tired of it.” Shelly leaves the childcare with Candice crying and stamping her feet.