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Answer this question about this project. How concrete is my plan…

Answer this question about this project.

How concrete is my plan for Project Three? What still needs to be “filled in”? 

What did I learn about my own writing process during this project? How can I improve for Project Three? 

What lessons and activities were helpful for this Project? What lessons and activities were less helpful?  




Guns and how they affect the community.

With this webpage, I will focus on Florida’s new gun law. The law allows anyone to carry a concealed weapon with no permit. At first, I did not agree with the new law with guns. Now I see that no matter what you do people are going to be people which means they are going to find a way to get what they want. I believe people should be trained properly before they are given a gun and children should be thought about the dangers of guns at a young age.

I also believe proper and serious in-depth background checks should be administered before giving someone a gun. And I also feel like, if possible, people should who want to carry a weapon should have a permit. Additionally, there should be ads or news and talk shows about gun safety. 

It is often said that curiosity killed the cat. If the cat is properly educated about what it is curious about, then he won’t be harmed at the hands of his own curiosity. Knowing about something might help protect you from the dangers of it. For example, kids that know about fire being dangerous are less likely to play with fire.

Reducing firearm access to youth and individuals who are at risk of harming themselves or others is a good way to protect the community from guns.

Holding the gun industry accountable and ensuring there is adequate oversight over the marketing and sales of guns and ammunition will make the gun company conduct stricter background checks before giving out guns.

I want my webpage to educate people on the importance of gun violence and persuade them to sign my petition on requiring background checks and education courses when purchasing a gun:

“Educate yourself and others: Educate yourself and others about gun violence. You can learn about the wide-ranging issues surrounding gun violence from organizations such as Everytown for Gun Safety. 



Participate in National Gun Violence Awareness Day: National Gun Violence Awareness Day is held annually on the first Friday in June. You can participate by wearing orange to raise awareness and honor survivors of gun violence.”


Here are some tips that might help convince people to get proper training before getting a gun:

There are some people that have been shot by accident due to lack of training and if the owner of the gun had been properly trained then none of this would have happened.

It is important to teach children about the dangers of guns at a young age to prevent accidents and injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), guns killed almost 40,000 people in 2017, the highest amount in the nearly 50 years since the CDC started their electronic database 1. Firearm injury is the cause of death in 74% of all homicides and 87% of all youth homicides 1. Every day, 78 children, teens, and young adults are injured or killed by guns in the US 1. The risk of death by suicide is four to 10 times higher in homes with guns. Firearms are used in 50% of all suicides, and 42% of youth suicides,


Teaching children about gun safety can help prevent accidents and injuries. Children as young as 3 years old may be strong enough to pull the trigger on a handgun and Three out of four children (including children less than 10 years old) living in a house with a gun know where the gun is, even when their parents think they don’t. Parents and caregivers can take steps to keep children safe by locking up guns and ammunition separately, asking if there is an unlocked gun where their child plays, and not keeping a gun at home if their child has a history of depression or other mental health problems.


In summary, teaching children about the dangers of guns at a young age can help prevent accidents and injuries. Parents and caregivers can take steps to keep children safe by locking up guns and ammunition separately, asking if there is an unlocked gun where their child plays, and not keeping a gun at home if their child has a history of depression or other mental health problems.




In my Research proposal, I wrote about guns and how they affect the community. My purpose was to inform others of the facts and findings when it comes to the new gun law and ask and answer some of the question people might have about the new gun law. My research proposal was written about the gun law that was passed on July 1st, 2023. This is because after the law was passed, many people were scared because anyone above the age of 21 could be in possession of a gun anywhere and anytime. This is my target audience, along with anyone who does or doesn’t agree with my opinion. The context in which I was writing is gun violence and how it affects America. I am genuinely interested in the type of gun law that will reduce casualties because of guns and how to save the most life is and protect the most lives from gun violence.

Guns and how they affect the community is an important topic, especially the new law because the new generation think guns are toys and life is a game. I feel like with the law behind our backs we should be able to inform everybody about guns and teach them about gun safety.

My purpose of informing others on the new gun law is tied to the audiences ‘characteristics of being people of old and new generation, and this communicated well because the gun law affected everyone even those above the age of twenty-one and above.

The communication does make it clear that I am trying to convince people that the new gun law has put people in a state of more fear and distrust. I was attempting to make people less scared about the gun law and to inform people about guns.

It is difficult to convince others to go and say that the new gun law is not a permanent solution to the problem but just a temporary solution, and people should not leave in this much fear of each other. This may cause many people to get guns of their own.

My responsibility to others is to help educate them on the new gun law and a little bit about gun safety. That is why it important to help give my audience an opportunity to go and give themselves an opportunity to avoid future gun problems.


When it comes to guns and their impact on the community, it’s important to consider various factors, such as self-defense, sport shooting, or law enforcement. As for the design plan, it involves regulations, background checks, and education to ensure responsible ownership and prevent misuse. It’s crucial to strike a balance between individual rights and community safety.

The purpose of the new Florida gun laws is to address concerns about public safety while still respecting the rights of gun owners. The design plan may include measures like enhanced background checks, raising the minimum age to purchase firearms, and implementing red flag laws to prevent individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others from accessing firearms. The goal is to strike a balance between protecting the community and preserving individual rights. 


The purpose of proper training before owning a gun is to ensure safety and responsible firearm handling. The design plan may involve mandatory training programs that cover topics like firearm safety, storage, and proper usage. It could also include practical training on shooting techniques and scenarios to promote responsible gun ownership. The goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to handle firearms safely and prevent accidents. 

When it comes to teaching children about the dangers of guns at a young age, the purpose is to promote safety and prevent accidents. The design plan may involve age-appropriate education that emphasizes the importance of never touching or playing with guns and teaches them to immediately inform a trusted adult if they come across one. It could also include discussions about the potential consequences of mishandling firearms. The goal is to instill responsible behavior and a respect for gun safety from an early age.

     I believe a website is a perfect medium for this topic because everyone spends most of their time on the internet now. A webpage will drive everyday people even outside of my target audience to educate themselves on gun violence and the dangers of the new law. My website will be arranged in a way that anybody could read. The sections will be: GUN SAFETY EDUCATION, REASONS TO GET PERMIT, PETITION, COURSES, ADDITIONAL INFO, and ABOUT THE CREATOR. There will be images and statistics on gun violence and safety. 

When it comes to concealed weapons permits, the purpose is to provide individuals with the ability to legally carry a concealed firearm for self-defense. The design plan typically involves a thorough background check, training requirements, and adherence to specific regulations. The goal is to strike a balance between personal protection and public safety.

My ideas about this topic have not changed much. At first, I did not approve of the new Florida permit less carry gun law because I thought it would increase gun violence. I still do not like the idea of the law but now I have realized that people will do it regardless of what I think and that it is better to encourage people to still get a permit as there are more advantages when having one. I also want to encourage having experience with a gun before carrying one by taking a shooting class.