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analaist  the picture Analysis  Essay Requirements 1. Write a…

analaist  the picture


Essay Requirements
1. Write a critical analysis essay on an approved print ad. The ad must be from the List of Approved Print Ads
and should be the same approved ad that you used for the Ad Analysis Worksheet. If you write an essay on an
ad that has not been approved and/or that you did not use for Ad Analysis Worksheet, your essay may earn
zero credit.
2. Place a copy of the print ad on the first page of your document. Place the print ad between your essay title and
the beginning of the essay. For a chance to earn credit, the essay must include the print ad.
3. Give your essay an interesting title (NOT “An Analysis of a MasterCard Ad”).
4. Type your essay, and put it in MLA format. Essays that are not MLA-formatted will have points deducted.
5. Use between 800 to 1500 words in the essay. The minimum word count matters; use at least 800 words.
Essays that do not meet the minimum word count requirement may earn zero credit or may have points
deducted accordingly. For example, an essay with 800 or more words will have a starting grade of 100, but an
essay with 400 words may not be graded or will have a starting grade of 50 (=400/800).
6. Write at least six major, well-developed paragraphs.
7. Critical Analysis Thesis: Create a clear explicit thesis. The critical analysis thesis must include three required
components (ad thesis, elements, and evaluation).
8. Ad Basics: State the name of the product that the ad is trying to sell. State the title of the website and the web
address (http://) that has the print ad. Website titles should be italicized, but web addresses should not be
italicized. Incorporate this information in sentences within your essay.
9. Ad Summary: Present a brief visual summary of the ad.
10. Visual Elements: Identify and critically analyze all key visual elements (objects, colors, words, and target
audience appeal) in your ad. Discuss all of the visual elements in your ad and how they support your critical
analysis essay thesis. Follow the course materials about how to organize the paragraphs.
11. Target Audience Appeal: Identify the target audience of the ad. In a developed body paragraph, discuss
specific details from the ad that target the specific audience. Discuss how this relates to the ad thesis.



12. Write to an audience of your college freshmen and sophomore peers and instructor
a. Avoid being too informal and conversational
? Do not use slang and clichés.
? Do not use contractions (can’t, wasn’t, hasn’t, and so on).
? Do not use 1st and 2nd person pronouns (I, my, me, you, your, yours, we, us, and so on).
b. Avoid being overly formal.
? Work on creating clear, concise sentences.
? Avoid being too wordy or overusing the thesaurus.
? Some people are under the impression that using high level vocabulary (e.g. long, difficult, and often
obscure words) and long, excessively complicated sentences shows a high level of intelligence;
however, using such words and sentences often shows the opposite.
13. Research: Do NOT do research for this essay. An essay that uses sources or an essay that has information
that needs to be cited may earn zero credit. Your essay should be a critical analysis of what you see in the ad
and your interpretations of how the parts of the ad convey a message. Do NOT do research on the company,
product, advertisement history, topic, public responses, and so on.
14. Originality: In order to improve our writing skills, we must practice writing. Therefore, this essay should be
written specifically for this class; it should not be work that has been submitted to another class, institution,
publication, or venue that is not for this class. Work that has been submitted to another class, institution,
publication, or other venue will not earn credit.
15. Academic Honesty: Some of the major goals of this class are to help you improve your writing and to help you
better articulate your ideas. This essay should be original work written by you. If your essay is a result of
academic dishonesty, you will earn a failing grade for the essay and possibly for this course. For example if the
essay has plagiarism, even if it is just one phrase or sentence, you will earn a failing grade. Take pride and
responsibility for your work, and do it yourself.