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LieutenantPolarBear3518 After reading the excerpt from The Tin Flute, Jessie (a student)…After reading the excerpt from The Tin Flute, Jessie (a student) wrote a personal response. Read the first draft of Jessie’s response, carefully noting her revisions, and answer questions 15 to 21.In elementary school we are taught that there is one world and eight planets. Most of us make it to junior high, and this image is still consistent. We walk into high school and we are ultimately introduced to multiple worlds, ;? we see clubs, teams, and opportunities that we have never befriended. Come Grade 12, a milestone is presented to be accomplished. But what comes before graduation? A trip to the guidance counselor, and the questions – What do you want to do with your life? WhichWHAT world will you conquer? ?WHAT DREAM WILL YOU PURSUE  At this time it isn’t our only concern rushing through our heads, but once again the confident Grade 12 is instantaneously struck by a multitude of decisions to be made and obstacles to overcome. Florentine realizes in the story, The Tin Flute, that the man in the restaurant is in a completely different world than she is. It seems that Florentine has many desires bundled up inside and this is common in the average Grade 12 student. Her dreams and aspirations may be more than she thinks she can accomplish, or ?PERHAPS THEY ARE even in a completely different world. To Florentine, the man seems to have a grasp of what he wants to accomplish and this, to her, is intriguing in a way that cannot be expressed. Her passion for the grasp that he seems to have on his life is never portrayed but implies by her actions and how she refers to things such as the city of Montreal, which is the setting of the story. She describes Montreal as “Not [being made for] four or five silly girls with their arms interlaced, strolling up St. Catherine Street, stopping at every shop window to admire things they would never own” but as a place of romance. She obviously desiresA ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE ELSE the pursuit of a significant other, but it seems that this is one of her dreams that she, for some reason, has not yet acted upon. Many students in Grade 12 have similar aspirations and dreams and ask themselves if that’s the world they will fit intoSEEK TO ENTER after they walk the stage. With all of the opportunities that are throwing themselves at anxious high school seniors, we question what we want to become and where we want to start our journey. As a whole, we see school alumni that have gone on to great things in worlds of their own and it makes up feel as if our world – high school – is not as significant as theirs, and I think this is how Florentine feels witnessing Jean Levesque’s actions. His demeanor leaves her to wonder, how, why, and when he conquered his dreams and the sort of ambition he had that made him so eager to do so. From the text, the reader sees a change in Florentine’s perception that inspires her to seize opportunities that could increase her quality of life. Whether this world is the one at which we will plateau for the rest of our lives, we know that the decisions we make today and the Jean Levesque’s we criticize for being o successful, will be normal occurrences in our day-to-day lives. It is people like that and places like this that will teach us to appreciate our surroundings or search out places where we would be better suited to live out our dreams. These encounters also show us that we are capable of more and that failure in one world, or one dream, will only lead to something better.  Image transcription textJessie inserts a semi-colon after worlds” in line 3 to correcta/an: Select one: O a. run-on sentence O b. comma splice O c.misplace modifier O d. sentence fragment… Show moreImage transcription textJessie changes the word “which” to”what” in line 6 of paragraph 1 and adds the question”What dream will you pursue?” in order to… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textJessie’s revision in paragraph 2 is more powerful than the originalsentence mainly because it adds a: Select one: O a. passive verb Ob. missing subject O c. complete predicate O d. clarifying adjective… Show moreImage transcription textJessie’s revision in lines 3-4 of paragraph 3 serves to: Select one:O a. avoid being overly general O b. improve the clarity of thesentence O c. add more emphasis O d. establish a mor… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIn the last sentence of paragraph 3, Jessie replaces “fitinto” with seek to enter in order to: Select one: O a. create amore formal tone O b. eliminate verb confusion O c. d… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIn the first sentence of the final paragraph, an error inmechanicsthat Jessie has not yet corrected is the: Select one: O a. the use ofthe possessive in Levesque’s O b. the spelling of the w… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textJessie’s development of her main idea is most effectively achievedthrough her use of: Select one: O a. questioning O b. analogy O c.comparison O d. narrative… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish