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A. What is a: comma splice, sentence fragment, and “run on” (also…

A. What is a:
comma splice, sentence fragment, and “run on” (also called “fused)
sentence? Define each term/error; B) give me an example of each error (make
up your own incorrect sentences).
2) Rewrite these three sentences so they are grammatically correct:
I do not like noisy crowds, for my vacation I am hiking solo in the Grand
Because hiking is one of my favorite things to do in life.
I saw a mountain lion when I hiked last year it hissed at me and moved on.
3) Read the short essay in Module 7 titled “Dear Stranger”. Every essay has a
“theme” (main idea/point/message). What is the theme of this essay, and on
what do you base your answer? Explain fully.
4) What is your opinion (for this same essay) of the title, introduction, and
conclusion? Are they effective in grabbing your interest (explain your answer)?
Are they memorable? Why or why not? Explain fully for each of the 3 parts.
5) For this same essay – “Dear Stranger” – choose one (or several) sentence(s)
from the essay to write as a quotation, paraphrase, or summary within an
text citation. Here is the bibliographic information on the source:
The author is Francesca Martinez. The title of the essay is “Dear . . .”. It was
published in 2015. The title of the book is Dear Stranger: Letters on the Subject of
Happiness. The editor is Paul Farmer. It is the first edition. The publisher is
Penguin Random House UK. The pages are 19-21.
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6) Explain how to format the heading and title of an essay written in MLA style.
[Note: I am not referring to “headers and footers”, but to the information
identifying the assignment that always goes on the first page]. What
information is contained in the heading? Where does it appear? How is it
spaced? Where does the title go?
7) Tell whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE:
– When writing an essay, it is usually acceptable to use slang like “that sucks”
or profanity such as “he was a piece of crap”. You can “speak” in an essay
just as you would in conversation with a friend.
– An essay cannot be longer than 500 words.
– An essay can be fiction or non-fiction.
– It is acceptable to use a source in your essay without citing it so long as you
reword the source information first.
8) Let’s say that you have research the current and ongoing war in Ukraine. Find a
reliable, high-quality source of information on this topic by searching the
internet (use Google or whatever search engine you prefer). Paste the URL
address here, then justify the source by answering each element of CRAAP:
URL address:
How is this source current?
How is this source relevant?
Is this source accurate?
Who is the authority for this source?
What is the purpose of the writer/website for this source?



9) Now find another article on the war in Ukraine, but this time use one of the
FSCJ databases. Explain briefly which database you used, the main idea of the
article, and then copy/paste the “Works Cited” entry (remember the databases
all have a “cite” button that will do this for you.