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CoachViperMaster1028 a thesis statement right after the summary to form the introduction…
a thesis statement right after the summary to form the introduction to the essay based on the passage “No Junk Food in Schools!”;
3. sure that your thesis statement is connected to the main point of the passage

introduction will be on the following:

a.get the main idea and supporting points;

b. organize your ideas smoothly;

c. paraphrase enough (not just copying);

e. these is connected to the main idea.

Passage Eight (From The Keys to the CATW by Regina A. Rochford, Ed.D.)

No Junk Food in Schools!

?In an attempt to reduce childhood obesity, legislation has been proposed to forbid junk food from being served in schools. These new regulations would ban sugary and fried foods from school cafeterias and vending machines nationwide. As a result, schools will only serve nutritious foods so that children can make healthy choices. Several cities and states have already passed laws to remove certain drinks and snacks from schools’ vending machines, and they are proposing modifications to school lunch menus, too.

?Presently, most school lunches are quite unhealthy. They consist of hot dogs, pepperoni pizza, cheeseburgers, French fries, and sugary flavored milks. Many of these meals contain more than half a day’s worth of sodium and fat. However, this new law would require schools to offer more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat milks. It is hoped the introduction of nutritious, plant-based foods at a young age will establish healthy eating habits and reduce the children’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, cancer, strokes, and heart disease.?

?Although the National Parent Teachers Association and other health groups support this law, others are unenthusiastic. Civil rights activists believe these new laws interfere with parental rights because what a child eats is a private family matter. In addition, the American Beverage Association contends that this law is ineffective in managing weight problems because obesity is a complex issue that results from lack of exercise, excessive calories, fast food, and heredity. Moreover, many parents object to this legislation because they believe overeating is rooted in patterns established at home, not school. Therefore, they claim that serving healthy food at school will not prevent childhood obesity.

Arts & HumanitiesEnglish