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A Raisin in the Sun Question 16 What is George Murchison’s view of…

A Raisin in the Sun

Question 16

What is George Murchison’s view of Beneatha’s dress in tribute to her African culture?

Select one:

a. his African heritage is overrated.

b. his African heritage is a great source of pride.

c. he is indifferent about his African heritage.

d. All of the above

e. Both A & C



Question 17

Beneatha and George point out all the following aspects of their African heritage except…

Select one:

a. poetry of the Bantu.

b. the great sculpture of Benin.

c. the great athletes of America.

d. the Ashanti performed surgical operations.

e. the great Songhay civilizations.



Question 18

When Mr. Lindner drops by the Younger household, he…

Select one:

a. says a racist group will burn crosses in their yard.

b. welcomes them to the neighborhood.

c. offers to buy the house back at a higher price.

d. says they didn’t qualify for the loan.

e. threatens the family.




Question 19

When Bobo comes to the house, he tells the family that…

Select one:

a. the liquor store deal will work out but they need more money.

b. he lost the money at the horse races.

c. Lindner’s people stole it to keep them from moving to Clybourne Park.

d. Willy Harris skipped town with it.

e. Only B & C



Question 20

When Walter says: “That money was made out of my father’s flesh”, he means…

Select one:

a. his father worked hard and saved it.

b. his father sold out his dreams to earn it.

c. it was all his father had to show for his life, a life insurance check received due to his death.

d. All of the above

e. None of the above



Question 21

When Mama realizes that Walter lost not only his share but also Beneatha’s, she…

Select one:

a. beats Walter in the face and yells at him.

b. she prays for strength.

c. she reminds Walter of his dad’s life of frustration and hopelessness.

d. All of the above

e. None of the above




Question 22

After the money is lost, Mama decides…

Select one:

a. the family should still move.

b. to kick Walter out of the house.

c. the family should not move.

d. Ruth’s baby should be aborted.

e. to toss her plant out.


Question 23

Who said the following quote?

 “I’ll work 20 hours a day in all the kitchens of Chicago…I’ll strap my baby on my back if I have to and scrub all the floors in America. But we got to move.”

Select one:

a. Beneatha

b. Mama

c. Travis

d. Bobo

e. Ruth



Question 24

What prompted Beneatha’s dream to become a doctor?

Select one:

a. her memory of Rufus’ accident and recovery from the hospital.

b. the death of her father due to poor health care.

c. prove she is just as good as George Murchison.

d. her need for a surgery she cannot afford.

e. making good money to support the family.



Question 25

According to Walter, he has learned a valuable lesson from Willy Harris, and that is there are two kinds ofpeople, “the tooken and the takers.” The difference between the two is that the “tooken”…

Select one:

a. believe in taking from others.

b. are too busy searching for the right and wrong in things.

c. are streetwise.

d. All of the above

e. None of the above



Question 26

All the following are themes of A Raisin in the Sun except…

Select one:

a. racial discrimination.

b. compassion and forgiveness.

c. dreams/broken dreams.

d. pursuing wealth honestly or dishonestly.

e. loneliness and caregiving.

f. pride in one’s family heritage.




Question 27

Walter tells the family that he plans to…

Select one:

a. put on a show for the Man.

b. get as much money as possible out of Lindner.

c. beat the hell out of Lindner and steal his money.

d. All of the above

e. Only A & B


Question 28

When Mama says, “Is this the harvest of our days?” she means that…

Select one:

a. Walter is breaking her heart by pursuing money at the cost of his dignity which goes against how she raised him.

b. his stupidity and foolishness has crushed the whole family’s dream.

c. Walter has finally wised up and now will begin bringing home money through scams.

d. All of the above

e. None of the above


Question 29

After Walter says, “You people just put the money in my hand. Then you won’t have to live next to this bunch of stinking niggers” he…

Select one:

a. laughs, dances and plans his scam.

b. tells his family how wise it is to take the money and avoid hatred.

c. starts to cry.

d. pleads with Ruth to keep the child.

e. None of the above



Question 30

When Beneatha says of Walter, “There is nothing left to love,” Mama…

Select one:

a. agrees with her.

b. slaps her.

c. prays for her family.

d. corrects her daughter, saying now is the time to love Walter the most.

e. All of the above