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A classroom environment should be established purposefully,…

A classroom environment should be established purposefully, grounded in the teacher’s philosophy of education. Classroom management includes classroom procedures to help make the most of the instructional time that is available.  Effective teachers carefully plan and establish their classroom procedures with their classes, but they will also occasionally make adjustments to their procedures based on the needs of the students.

Procedure 1:



When procedure is introduced, modeled, and practiced:


Frequency of modeling and practice:


Assessment and Feedback:  


Procedure Steps or Activity: 





Procedure 2:



When procedure is introduced, modeled, and practiced:


Frequency of modeling and practice:


Assessment and Feedback:  


Procedure Steps or Activity: 





Procedure 3:



When procedure is introduced, modeled, and practiced:


Frequency of modeling and practice:


Assessment and Feedback:  


Procedure Steps or Activity: 




Procedure 4:



When procedure is introduced, modeled, and practiced:


Frequency of modeling and practice:


Assessment and Feedback:  


Procedure Steps or Activity: 



                                          Sample of Procedures Handout

                                    Program of Study: Secondary Education


Procedure 1: 

Entering the Classroom



To create classroom environment that is conducive to learning the moment class begins.


When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced and its frequency:

Teacher will introduce the procedure on the first day of school. The teacher will model the procedure at the beginning of class for the first week of school.

Students will practice this procedure a few times the first day until satisfactory.

Teacher and students will repeat when reinforcement is needed or when new students join the class.


Assessment and Feedback:  

Teacher will watch for students that follow the steps correctly and will positively reinforce the students. 


Procedure Steps or Activity: 

Walk in quietly (entering a new zone).
Get organized before the bell (sharpen pencil, homework ready …).
Begin working quietly on the warm-up (in your notebook with paper labeled).



Procedure 2: 

Exiting the Classroom



To optimize time for instruction and to allow the learning environment to operate efficiently through the end of class.


When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced and its frequency:

Teacher will introduce the procedure on the first day of school. The teacher will model the procedure at the end of class for the first week of school.

Students will practice this procedure a few times the first day until satisfactory.

Teacher and students will repeat when reinforcement is needed or when new students join the class.


Assessment and Feedback:  

Teacher will watch for students that follow the steps correctly and will positively reinforce the students. 


Procedure Steps or Activity: 

Pack up when the teacher instructs you to do so (not before).
Pack your things quietly.
Pick up any trash around you and hold on to it.
Stay in your seat until the teacher, not the bell, dismisses you.
Throw out trash when you are dismissed.