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                                                                                             Exercise – Instructions

                                                                                       Providing E-service

Learner Instructions 

For the purposes of this Assessment, you will play two different employee roles at The Righteous Inn, a fictitious hotel, and you will be providing service to one (1) internal customer.

For this Assessment you are required to: –

Submit (1) a copy of the email thread communication between you and the customer to your Assessor that demonstrates your ability to provide high-level customer service to an internal customer (Exercise 1).
Keep a copy or answer like letter of your email thread records to customer.

Before you start this Assessment task ensure you complete the following: –

Read the scenario for Exercise 1 -Responding to an email contact from an internal customer.
Read ‘The Righteous Inn Customer Service Policy and Procedures’.
Read ‘The Righteous Inn Written Communication Policy and Procedures’.
Your Trainer/Assessor will play the role of the internal customer (Sales & Marketing Manager) you communicate with an email.

Below given points just for to understand how you write a text message to cover up or mentioned all following tasks in a letter to assessor (Trainer). Below given (1) & (2) points were not a question: –

Engage using email with an internal customer and determine their needs: –
Replied to the initial email thanking them for their contact, using their name and asking a question requesting details that needed to be quoted on?
Replied to the second email, thanking them for the information supplied and asking the question(s) seeking more detail on the number and types of rooms required and more details regarding lunch and room hire needs?
Replied to the third email, thanking them for the information supplied and asking the question to determine if all required information has been provided?
Met the requirements of The Righteous Inn’s Written Communication Policy and Procedures?
Used polite and respectful language and a professional tone in the emails?
Implement quality customer service in accordance with organisational requirements: –
Provided detailed information to the Sales and Marketing Manager in the second email on lunch and room hire and rates that could be quoted?
Suggested Red Sands Travel be made aware of the Audio-Visual facilities that could be provided as a way of delivering extra service?
Provided detailed information to the Sales and Marketing Manager in the third email on rooms and rates that could be quoted?
Suggested that the Sales and Marketing Manager offer the Suite to Red Sands Travel for the owner of the business and their partner as a way of delivering extra service?
Provided detailed information to the Sales and Marketing Manager in the fourth email regarding the price for ‘cooked breakfast’ that could be quoted and made and made an offer of ongoing assistance as required?

Customer Service Policy & Procedures

Policy: – The Righteous Inn is committed to providing our customers with high-quality, ethical and authentic customer service. All of our customers, whether business or individual, are the central focus of our company values. We are committed to providing outstanding service and commit to the following service principles in every interaction we have with our customers.
Customer Service Principles: – 
Continually striving to ensure our customer serviceis aligned with our company values
Being ethical in all of our dealings with customers, and ensuring that our customers’ needs are central to any decisions we make when providing customer service
Being authentic and genuine in all of our dealings with customers
Continually striving to exceed the expectations of all our customer groups
Aiming to anticipatethe needs of those we serve by proactively working to meet their needs
Being conscious of our communication style (audible voice, eye contact, tone of voice) and communicating in a professional manner
Making a conscious effort to compliment co-workers when their actions comply with these standards.
Holding ourselves and each other accountable for our service commitment.
Procedure when dealing with customers, employees will: –
Greet customers in a welcoming and professional manner
Acknowledge waiting customers, and apologise any time a customer is required to wait for service
Ask customers if they requireany assistance if they are not already being helped
Be ethical in all dealings with customers
Be authentic, genuine and transparent in all of our dealings with customers
Acknowledge return clients by name
Respect differences in values, cultures, beliefs and ages, and include our awareness of diversity into our daily practice
Listen carefully to customer’s requests and effectively use active listening techniques
Respond quickly in taking any necessary actions to assist customers
Inform customers of when they can expect completion or delivery of their order, and of any delays that may arise in the process
Keep customers informed if there are any delays or wait times in service delivery
Dress appropriately according to the organisation’s dress code
Maintain a clean and safe environment for co-workers and clients
Protect the confidentiality of customer information
Finish all encounters with customers by thanking them for doing business with our company.
Customers with special needs disability: – The Righteous Inn is committed to ensuring our business is accessible to all members of the community. We have ensured that our cafes have disability access and washrooms. Additionally, or head office has been fitted out with ramps and bathrooms suitable for people with a disability. We adhere to the Disability Discrimination Act in its entirety. Staff must, at all times, ensure that all aspects of our service are disability friendly. Staff should ensure they follow the following strategies when dealing with customers with a disability.
Never assume you know what assistance if any, a person with a disability requires. Ask if, and what, assistance may be needed.
Treat a person with a disability in the same manner and with the same respect and courtesy as you would anyone else.
Speak directly to the person rather than through the companion, attendant or sign-language interpreter who may also be present.
Never speak about the person as if they are invisible, can’t understand what is being said or can’t speak for themselves.
Do not put people with a disability on a pedestal or talk to them in patronising terms as if their performing normal, everyday activities were exceptional.
Always respect the person’s dignity, individuality and desire for independence. If help is required in a given situation, do not assist without asking first.
All Assistance Dogs that accompany customers into our premises should be welcomed and offered drinking water whilst the customer is on the premises (with the customer’s permission).
People with language barriers: – When dealing with a customer who has language barriers, staff should accommodate communication difficulties by implementing the following strategies: –
Speak clearly and concisely. Staff should use their natural pace, but sound their words out properly.
Break down information into manageable chunks by covering one topic at a time.
Use non-verbal information to supplement what is being said. Refer to maps or diagrams, show customers products, let them sample products or demonstrate how to use products.
Use body language and gestures. For example, nodding, pointing, ‘thumbs up’ and facial gestures can help communicate messages.
Check for understanding
Check your own understanding of what the person is saying to you. Ask the person to repeat or clarify a message to make sure you fully understand.
Check that what you have said has been understood. Confirm that the person you are speaking to understand your message.

Written Communication Policy and Procedures

Policy: – The Righteous Inn is conscious that all written communication, whether internal or external, plays an essential role in the conduct of our business. How we communicate with people reflects on our business, and on our employees. We have established written communication protocols to help ensure that method of written communication used, and the format of the communication is consistent and appropriate to the context of the messages being sent. All written correspondence should reflect the attitude of excellence that The Righteous Inn wishes to convey to all its workers, customers and partners. The Company wishes all staff to adopt plain English principles, and use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation in all documents.
Procedures for effective written  communication: – All correspondence should be written in a way that reflects the 5 C’s of effective written communication. The 5 C’s are: –
Complete: – Presenting all of the facts to ensure the receiver has all of the information needed to respond or act.
Clear: – Being specific, leaving no doubts in the receiver’s mind. Ensuring messages are easily understood by the reader by ensuring information is presented logically and in plain English
Correct: – Means checking the document for accuracy of all statements, details and spelling
Concise: – Writing the message in as few words as possible.
Courtesy: – Showing consideration for the receiver of the information by using such words as please and thank you. Ensure all documentation has a polite tone.
Writing Style: – All written documentation & compositions should project a friendly and professional tone. Documents should be visually appealing and use clear, unambiguous language. Plain English should be used in all business documentation, to ensure that the information contained is easily understood, and free from jargon or other technical language.
Methods of communication: –
Internal communication: – Employees should use the following methods to conduct and record internal communication: –
Email (whenever possible to save time and to provide a written record that is dated)
Telephone calls (between individual employees, to discuss and negotiate. Confirm discussions with email)
Face-to-face discussion (between individual employees, to discuss and negotiate. Confirm discussions with email)
Meetings (to inform and discuss issues and make decisions. Record meeting discussions through meeting minutes).
External communication: – Employees should use the following methods when conducting internal communication: –
Emails (where time is an important issue)
Telephone calls (to discuss or negotiate. Confirm any decisions by email or letter.)
Fax (where time is an important issue and email is not an option either because it is not available or the information is in an unsuitable form for email)
Letters (to formally communicate information, when time is not an issue).
Responding to communications: – Generally, respond using the same method as the original communication (e.g., if you receive an email, reply by email).
Timeframes: – Respond in the following timeframes wherever possible: –
Email: – Same day.
Fax: – Same day.
Letters: – Within three (3) working days of receipt.
Inclusive language: – Use non-sexist and non-racist language by: –
Avoiding male-dominated terms. For example, use ‘chair’ or ‘chairperson’ instead of ‘chairman’
Eliminating the unnecessary use of the person’s gender, e.g. ‘female manager’
Avoiding the use of pronouns such as ‘he’ or ‘she’. Use ‘their’ instead of ‘his’ or ‘her’.

Scenario – Responding to an email contact from an internal customer: – 

You are the Financial Manager at The Righteous Inn and are responsible for overseeing the profitable operation of the business.

In your role, you work closely with the Sales and Marketing department who regularly contact you and ask for guidance about discounts they can give customers to attract business to the property.

You have just received an email from the Sales and Marketing Manager asking the following question: “How low can I go with my quote for Red Sands Travel? They want an answer by the end of the week?”

As part of the work you have done, you have prepared the following confidential list which you bring up on your computer before responding to the email: –


Items Normal Selling Price Minimum Price You are Prepared to Accept
Accommodation/night: Single room – basic room, no views, mini-bar, free Wi-Fi, TV, desk. $220 per room $180 per room
Accommodation/night: Double room (max 3 people) – same as single plus great views, bath & spa, dining table and sofa. $250 per room $200 per room
Accommodation/night: Suite room (max 3 people) – same as double plus outside balcony & separate dressing room. $300 per room $250 per room
Breakfast – cooked ‘all you can eat.’ $25 per person $21 per person
Lunch for Function: menu 1 – stand-up finger food. $25 per person $20 per person
Lunch for Function: menu 2 – three course sit-down function menu meal in standard dining room). $45 per person $40 per person
Lunch for Function: menu 3 – three course sit-down à la carte meal in standard dining room). $60 per person $55 per person
Beverages – company policy is not to offer beverages as part of any function or menu but to sell drinks on an ‘as consumed’ basis charging only for what is served. At normal prices based on actual consumption Normal price less 5%
Room Hire/day: small size room (for up to 20 people). $250 $200
Audio Visual facilities – all-inclusive/day for any size of room. $400 $300

Answer: – Write an Email thread communication between you and the customer