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               English 103 Sample Essay Structure (recommendation): Youth Violence/ Research Question

Explore the causes of youth violence and the proposed solutions on how to curb and contain it.  Be sure to point out which solution you believe is most effective; this may include a combination of solutions.


For your introduction you might consider beginning with an overview of recent accounts of violent episodes involving youth and guns, describing the extent to which such episodes have become a prominent social problem.  Consider providing a brief overview of the nurture vs nature debates concerning causation and proposed solutions to end such violence.  Your thesis statement would point out what your position is with respect to proposed solutions and would highlight what you will be discussing in your essay.

Body Paragraphs 1 and 2/Causation/Nature vs Nurture

1/Here, you would consider pointing out the various perspectives concerning causation as it relates to the nature vs nurture argument.  Your first body paragraph might focus on various forms of the nurture argument; for example, you might discuss O’Meara’s or Beals’s position among others.  Assess these particular positions as you are summarizing them and explain which of them you find more compelling.

2/For your second body paragraph you would explore causation as it is dealt with in Greenberg’s argument (ie. Nature) among others.  Assess these particular positions as you are summarizing them and explain which of them you find more compelling.

Body Paragraphs 3 and 4/Solutions/Nature vs Nurture

3/You would consider pointing out the various solutions as offered by Beals and O’Meara among others (Elikann) for youth violence and guns.  Assess these particular positions as you are summarizing them and point out which is most effective.

4/For your 4th body paragraph you would explore solutions offered by those advancing nature based arguments.  Assess these particular positions as you are summarizing them and point out which is most effective.

Concluding Paragraph

Here you would summarize briefly the various positions that you have discussed and link them with what is being discussed currently in the media.  Are there new proposals that can be linked with the discussion that you have presented?