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1a). Discussion Question   discussion question has 2 parts: Part…

1a). Discussion Question


discussion question has 2 parts:

Part 1:  REFLECT. What did you think about the essay “My Father Spent 30 Years In Prison. Now He’s Out.” by Ashley C. Ford? What did you like about, if anything? What didn’t you like about it, if anything? Do you think her narrative essay paints a strong picture? Do you feel connected to her? Why? 

Part 2:  ANALYZE. Pay close attention to the way Ford transitions from one paragraph to the next. What do you think makes her transitions smooth and effective? Point out 3 transitions you found to be particularly strong? What are 3 techniques you would like to emulate in your narrative essay?


2b). Writing Assignment #3


After reading the essay “My Father Spent 30 Years In Prison. Now He’s Out” by Ashley C. Ford and posting your initial thoughts in this week’s discussion, write a short (6-7 paragraph ) narrative essay. 

1, Choose one of the following 3 topics and write an introductory paragraph introducing your topic:

The meaning of family
The impact of love
The importance of forgiveness

2. After you’ve identified your topic, write 3 body/supporting paragraphs that provides concrete details about your topic or idea. FOCUS ON YOUR TRANSITIONS FROM YOUR TOPIC OR IDEA INTO EACH OF YOUR BODY/SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS. Your ideas should flow from one thought to the next.

3. Write a short conclusion that brings your thoughts together. 


3c). ESSAY #1 (The challenges you’ve been through and how you overcame them)

write formal essay. This essay should be a narrative essay that incorporates your topic (The challenges you’ve been through and how you overcame them)

Your essay should be:

8-13 paragraph 


4d). Discussion Question


answer the following questions:

When telling your story, what are the 5 parts you should be including as you begin and end your narrative essay?
Which of the 5 parts do you feel most comfortable writing? Why?
Which of the 5 parts are you least comfortable writing? Why?
How can strong descriptions surrounding your characters, plot, and setting help to enhance the effectiveness of your narrative essay? 


5e). Native Languages ( anthropology


Below, you will find resources about Navajo Native American languages.  Go to the web pages indicated and then make a table. Title your submission with the name of your language before you put the table. After the table, show the resources you used (a link is sufficient).

You should choose the words that you think would be most important in meeting a new person from a new culture.  For example, do not just choose a lot of plant terms (because it’s unlikely you’d be speaking much about plants at a first meeting).  Instead, choose words that would enable you to start a simple conversation.  Like “family” or “mother” and “father,” or “son” and “daughter.”  Sun, moon, north, south, east, west, good, bad, hungry, etc.

Put three columns in your table.  In the first column, type out the Native word.  In the second column, make an attempt at spelling it out phonetically in English (so you can remember more or less how it’s pronounced).  In the third column, put its meaning.

NUMBER YOUR LIST.  If you put an entire phrase in a column, number each word!  Submit your chart here (in Assignments).


25-30 = C

31-49 words = B

50 or more words = A.

 Navajo (largest group of Native Americans in the USA)

Note:  since Navajo often uses several words for a briefer English word or phrase, you may count each separate word in a phrase as an entry


Navajo pronunciation guide

Links to an external site.

General resources on Navajo

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A few simple phrases and more pronunciation

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Youtube lesson on Navajo

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More phrases

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Small Navajo dictionary

Links to an external site.