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1. Which of the examples below is the correct plural form of the…

1. Which of the examples below is the correct plural form of the single letter “P?”

a. Ps

b. P’s


2.Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. Whose backpack is on the floor?

b. Who’s backpack is on the floor?


3. Fill in the blank. The                     shoulders slumped as the attorney questioned him.

a. Witnesses

b. Witness’

c. Witness’s


4. True or False. Which of the following is an exemption to the rule that words ending in “o” are generally made plural by adding an “s?”

a. Halo

b. Potatoes

c. Kilo 


5. Which of the sentences below uses a possessive apostrophe correctly?

a. The restaurant’s menu featured brownies and cookies.

b. The restaurant served brownies’ and cookies’.


6. Which of the following is correct?

a. She went to there apartment to check on the cat while they were away.

b. She went to their apartment to check on the cat while they were away.

c. She went to they’re apartment to check on the cat while they were away.


7. True or False. If a word ends in “ch,” “s,” “sh,” “ss,” “tch,” “x” and sometimes “z” or “zz,” add “es” to make it plural.

a. True

b. False


8. True or False. If you can turn the phrase around and insert “for” between the words, it’s a descriptive phrase rather than truly possessive and does not need the apostrophe or apostrophe “s.

a. False

b. True


9. Which of the examples below is the correct plural form of the number “5?”

a. 5’s

b. 5s


10. Fill in the blank. The                 testimony contradicted itself.

a. Witnesses

b. Witnesses’

c. Witness’s


11. Fill in the blank. The class is on                       in the Science Building

a. Mondays’

b. Monday’s

c. Mondays


12. Fill in the blank. My grandmother has three                   .

a. Daughter-in-laws

b. Daughters-in-law

c. Daughters-in-laws


13. If a word ends in “fe” or “if,” which plural ending should be used? Example word: Life

a. “-vis”

b. “-s”

c. “-ves”


14. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. He went to his friend’s apartment to study.

b. He went to his friends apartment to study.

c. He went to his’ friends apartment to study.


15. Fill in the blank. She misses seeing all her pet             while she is away at school

a. Dogs

b. Dogs’

c. Dog’s


16. Which of the following examples correctly shows a singular word ending in “y”, changed to its plural form?

a. Baby to Babys

b. Fry to fries

c. Cry to crys


17. Fill in the blank.                     cold outside.

a. Its

b. Its’

c. It’s


18. Which of the following sentences uses a possessive apostrophe for a plural noun correctly?

a. The parent’s pride was apparent on their faces.

b. The parents’ pride was apparent on their faces.


19. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. The deer’s hoof prints were all over the path.

b. The deers’ hoof prints were all over the path.


20 Is the word “fish”, singular or plural?

a. Both

b. Plural

c. Singular