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1) Use Google, Youtube, or other search methods, search for and…

1) Use Google, Youtube, or other search methods, search for and find one example of each of the rhetorical appeals. Please find: one example of Pathos, one example of Logos, one example of Ethos, and one example of Kairos. Advertisements, commercials, and public service announcements usually work best for these examples. No word count but there must be 3 sentences for each question.

2) In a Microsoft Word document, in 2-3 sentences each, answer the following questions for each example you have found (you will answer the questions four times, once for your pathos example, once for your logos example, once for your ethos example, and once for your kairos example):

Provide a link, image, or other way for your instructor to access your example.

What rhetorical appeal is being used in this example? How do you know pathos, logos, ethos, or kairos is being used? Describe the rhetorical appeal and how it appears in your example.
For example: The rhetorical appeal being used in this advertisement is pathos. Pathos is obvious because the commercial focuses on a child and puppy growing up together, going on adventures in the family’s car. The commercial ends with a highly emotional moment when the dog passes away and the girl, now grown up, must drive home in the family’s car alone.

Who is being targeted by this appeal? Who is your example trying to persuade? (In other words, who is the audience?)
For example: This commercial seems to be targeting families and young people. With the dog, family minivan, and white picket fence around the family home, the commercial appears to be aimed at middle-class American families who need to purchase a new vehicle. Animal lovers and people with children are also being strongly targeted by this ad.

Do you believe this appeal is effective? Will it successfully persuade its chosen audience? How will it persuade them?
For example: This appeal seems like it would be highly effective on the target audience. Using a very cute puppy attracts attention, and showing the dog and child growing up together and going adventures in the family’s car tells the audience that the car company is very family-centered and thinks about the safety of children and pets. The dog passing away from old age is also a tear-jerking moment, and by showing that the family car is still going with the grown-up girl, that suggests that the car will last and be with you even through the hard times. This makes the car brand seem more dependable and trustworthy, persuading people to buy.