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GrandUniverse11281 1. PURPOSE This assignment is designed to challenge you to analyze…1.


This assignment is designed to challenge you to analyze a communications scenario taken from a practice situation. You should discuss the role of the HCA, with specific focus on the communications taking place.


The scenario is included below. Your instructor will help you by providing examples of possible ‘answers’.

Analyze the scenario:
? Read through the entire exchange
? Refer to your learning materials from this course
? Provide information about each communication that describes
o what is being communicated (intentionally or not)
o the possible outcome(s) of each communication
o whether you think it was therapeutic or not
? Discuss the role of the HCA in this scenario
o State if and how the HCA could have engaged in each exchange in a more positive manner
o Detail what pertinent information the HCA should pass to the nurse regarding the exchange

Present your information:
? The whole class will engage in a round table discussion where each participant contributes their ‘findings’ and comments on others’ findings
? Each participant should use their communications skills during this discussion

Your instructor may choose whether this assignment is completed individually or with a partner.


Evaluation Criteria
Fully addresses criteria
Partially addresses criteria (some is missing)
Poorly addresses criteria (much is missing)
Not completed
Read through the entire exchange
Yes, completed the reading

Not read

Referred to learning materials from Health 1
Yes, fully utilized and referred to the learning materials

Partially utilized and referred to the learning materials

Poorly referred to the learning materials

No reference made


Described what is being communicated for each exchange
Described each of the 9 exchanges

Described 5-8 exchanges

Described 1-4 exchanges

No descriptions

Suggested possible outcomes for each exchange
Suggested for each of the 9 exchanges

Suggested for 5-8 exchanges

Suggested for 1-4 exchanges

No suggestions

Stated whether each exchange was therapeutic or not
Stated for each of the 9 exchanges

Stated for 5-8 exchanges

Stated for 1-4 exchanges

No statements

Role of the HCA

State if and how the HCA could have engaged in each exchange in a more positive manner
Stated if and how for each of the 9 exchanges

Stated if and how for 5-8 exchanges

Stated if and how for 1-4 exchanges

No statements

Detail what pertinent information the HCA should pass to the nurse regarding the exchange
Describes 5 pertinent pieces of information to pass on

Describes 3-4 pertinent pieces of information to pass on

Describes 1-2 pertinent pieces of information to pass on

No descriptions


Contributes findings:
? Speech tone and volume appropriate for class
? Eye contact made with all class members
? Listens to comments from class members
? Accepts comments and responds thoughtfully
Each of the four bulleted items were observed during presentation.

Three of the four bulleted items were observed during presentation.

Two of the four bulleted items were observed during presentation.

One or none of the four bulleted items were observed during presentation.

Participation (comments)

Comments on others’ findings:
? Waits turn (courtesy)
? Contributes positively including any ‘criticism’
? Asks questions for better understanding
Each of the three bulleted items were observed during others’ presentations.

Two of the bulleted items were observed during others’ presentations.

One of the bulleted items were observed during others’ presentations.

None of the bulleted items were observed during others’ presentations.

Total Marks
/ 27

Communication Analysis Scenario

Good morning, Mr Simpson. [Smiles and approaches bed,]
? ??????????????????????????????????????

What’s good about it? [Arms crossed over chest, frowning with a direct stare]
? ??????????????????????????????????????

You sound unhappy. [Pulls up chair and sits at bedside]
? ??????????????????????????????????????

You’d be unhappy too, if nobody would answer your questions. [Angry tone of voice, challenging expression]
? ???????????????????????????????????????

This facility has a fine staff, Mr Simpson. I’m sure nobody would intentionally keep information from you.
? ???????????????????????????????????????

All right then, why wouldn’t that girl let me have fruit juice at breakfast this morning?
? ???????????????????????????????????????

I’m not sure. If I were you, I’d forget about it and get a fresh start on the day.
? ???????????????????????????????????????

How could I forget about it! [Raised voice]
? ????????????????????????????????????

It may be that the Dietician has advised against it due to your diabetes. [Palms turned upwards and shoulders raised]

? ????????????????????????????????????

Why, is my blood sugar high? [Worried facial expression]
? ???????????????????????????????????????

[Long Pause] I’m not sure.
? ???????????????????????????????????????

I’m so afraid complications will set in because my blood sugar is high. [Stares out window]
? ???????????????????????????????????????

What kinds of things are you worried about?
? ???????????????????????????????????????

I could lose a leg, as my mother did. Or I could go blind. Or maybe I will have to live hooked up to a kidney machine for the rest of my life.
? ???????????????????????????????????????

You’ve been thinking about all kinds of things that could go wrong, and it adds to your worry not to be told what your blood sugar is.
? ???????????????????????????????????????

I always think the worst. [Shakes head in exasperation]
? ???????????????????????????????????????

I’ll pass along to the nurse that you have some concerns, she may be able to speak to you and advise you how to lessen the chances of those complications that you are so clearly concerned about. [Stands up, keeps looking at patient]
? ???????????????????????????????????????

Okay, I’ll see you or the nurse later.
? ?Arts & HumanitiesEnglish