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1. Past to Present Tense. changing all of the verbs from past to…

1. Past to Present Tense. changing all of the verbs from past to present.


Two close friends, Bob and Joe, were camping in a remote area. One day, a rattlesnake jumped out from behind a rock and bit Bob on the rear end. He was in bad shape. So Joe ran 5 miles into the nearest town to fetch a doctor. When Joe got to the town, he found out that the doctor was in the middle of delivering a baby and couldn’t leave. But the doctor gave Joe clear instructions on what to do to save Bob’s life. He told Joe to cut a deep X into the skin where the bite was, suck out the poison, and spit it on the ground. Joe said that he understood what to do. 

 Joe ran the 5 miles back to where Bob was waiting for him. Bob asked him what the doctor said*. Joe replied, “He said you are going to die.”



2. Present to Past Tense, changing all of the verbs from present to past.  


 President Obama and Mrs. Obama like to go out on date nights to fancy restaurants in 
Washington, D.C. They’ve been to places like The Capital Grille and Fiola—the nicest places in the city. They’ve enjoyed those places a lot. However, one day, Mrs. Obama suggests to the 
President that they should go to a simple, inexpensive place. The President agrees, and they head out to a little place that is on a side street in Columbia Heights. After they are seated at their table, the owner of the restaurant approaches the secret service agent and asks to speak in private with the first lady. The agent gives his permission, and Mrs. Obama goes into the kitchen to speak with the owner. When she comes out, she has a funny look on her face. The President wonders why. Mrs. Obama explains that the owner was her boyfriend in high school. The President exclaims, “Aren’t you glad you are married to the President and not him!?” And Mrs. Obama replies, “Well, if I had married him, HE would be the President!”