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1. Identify the complete subject of each tensed verb in the…

1. Identify the complete subject of each tensed verb in the following sentence. There are 3 for this sentence. Be sure to include the complete subject, spelled and punctuated correctly. Subjects must be filled in in the order in which they appear in the sentence. If one subject is inside a larger one, give the larger one first. So, given the sentence “Tweety Bird thinks he saw a putty tat”, you would fill in the first box with “Tweety Bird” and the second with “he”. And given “The man who escaped jail was just caught again”, you would fill in the first box with “The man who escapted jail” and the second with ‘who”. NOTE: don’t include quotation marks.
It’s easy to recognize two reasons why my impression that New Guineans are smarter than Westerners may be correct.


2.Identify the complete subject of each tensed verb in the following sentence. There are 2 for this sentence. Be sure to include the complete subject, spelled and punctuated correctly. Subjects must be filled in in the order in which they appear in the sentence. If one subject is inside a larger one, give the larger one first. So, given the sentence “Tweety Bird thinks he saw a putty tat”, you would fill in the first box with “Tweety Bird” and the second with “he”. And given “The man who escaped jail was just caught again”, you would fill in the first box with “The man who escapted jail” and the second with ‘who”. NOTE: don’t include quotation marks.
Such an explanation is on the right track, as those factors demonstrably were directly responsible for European conquests.


3. Identify the complete subject of each tensed verb in the following sentence. There is only 1 for this sentence. Be sure to include the complete subject, spelled and punctuated correctly. Subjects must be filled in in the order in which they appear in the sentence. If one subject is inside a larger one, give the larger one first. So, given the sentence “Tweety Bird thinks he saw a putty tat”, you would fill in the first box with “Tweety Bird” and the second with “he”. And given “The man who escaped jail was just caught again”, you would fill in the first box with “The man who escapted jail” and the second with ‘who”. NOTE: don’t include quotation marks.
Almost all studies of child development emphasize the role of childhood stimulation and activity in promoting mental development, stressing the irreversible mental stunting associated with reduced childhood stimulation.


4. Indicate if the sentence below is in the active voice or the passive voice.
The student senate meeting should be starting any minute.


5. Consider the pronoun you in the sentence below. Identify its case form according to Standard English usage.
His wife and the therapist hoped you could reach an agreement with her.

A, accusative.

B. Dependent genitive

C. Independent genitive

D. Nominative


6. Consider the pronoun his in the sentence below. Identify its case form according to Standard English usage.
You all think her car is much cooler than his.

A. accusative.

B. Dependent genitive

C. Independent genitive

D. Nominative


7. Consider the verb exterminated as it is used in the sentence below and identify its inflectional form as it is used in the sentence. (Note that here we are not distinguishing between the two preterite forms of be. Both should be labeled preterite.)
Those historical inequalities have cast long shadows on the modern world, because the literate societies with metal tools have conquered or exterminated the other societies.

A. gerund participle

B. Past participle

C.Plain form

D. Plain present


F.Third singular present


8. Consider the verb led as it is used in the sentence below and identify its inflectional form as it is used in the sentence. (Note that here we are not distinguishing between the two preterite forms of be. Both should be labeled preterite.)
In fact, I do not assume that industrialized states are “better” than hunter-gatherer tribes, or that the abandonment of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle for iron-based statehood represents “progress,” or that it has led to an increase in human happiness.

A. gerund participle

B. Past participle

C.Plain form

D. Plain present


F.Third singular present