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1) For each of the following sets of subject, audience, and…

1) For each of the following sets of subject, audience, and purpose, select the most appropriate choice for the blank.


Subject: planting a tree 

Audience: _______________________ 

Purpose: to explain the correct procedure for planting a tree


a)someone interested in building a tree house

b)people who want to plant a tree for the first time

c)experienced gardeners


2 ) For each of the following sets of subject, audience, and purpose, select the most appropriate choice for the blank.


Subject: ______________________________________ 

Audience: people who have never donated blood 

Purpose: to persuade people to donate blood



a)the drawbacks of donating blood

b)reasons to donate blood

c)the procedure involved in donating blood


3) If the sentence is limited enough to be the topic sentence of a good paragraph, select “good topic sentence.” If the sentence is NOT limited enough to be the topic sentence of a good paragraph, select “needs revision.”


My brother is more responsible now than he was five years ago.


a)needs revision

b)good topic sentence


4)Read the paragraphs and then answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct response.


Many e-mail users receive annoying amounts of junk mail, or “spam.” Experts recommend five ways to reduce the amount of spam in the inbox. First of all, an e-mail address should not be displayed in public. That includes newsgroups, chat rooms, websites, or online services’ membership directories. Second, computer users should check the privacy policy when they submit an address to a website to see if it allows the company to sell the address. Opting out of this provision, if possible, or deciding not to submit an address at all to a website that won’t protect it are both good ways to prevent spam. Using two e-mail addresses, one for personal messages and one for newsgroups and chat rooms, is a third way to cut down on spam. A separate, disposable e-mail address can forward the e-mail to a permanent account. When one of the disposable addresses begins to receive spam, it can be shut off without affecting the permanent address. Fourth, experts recommend using a unique e-mail address. The choice of e-mail addresses may affect the amount of spam received because spammers use “dictionary attacks” to sort through possible name combinations at large Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or e-mail services, hoping to find a valid address. Thus, a common name such as jdoe may get more spam than a more unique name like jd51x02oe. Fifth and finally, installing an e-mail filter can provide a tool to filter out potential spam or a way to channel spam into a bulk e-mail folder. These options should affect the choice of which ISP to use.


This paragraph was written for an audience of


a)people who market products.

b)computer users.

c)people who send junk e-mail messages (spammers).



5) Study the body of each of the following paragraphs. Then select the most accurate topic sentence.


___________________________________________________________________. One of my friends, Ella, is a painter who creates beautiful landscapes on canvas. Larry, another friend of mine, is an excellent musician who can play ten different instruments. He plays in a band, and he also composes music. Lynn, who has been my friend since high school, writes poetry. She has published a few of her poems, and she even won a poetry contest while she was in college. My friend Amal makes jewelry and sells his work at art shows and craft fairs. I find that I am more creative myself when I spend time with them.



a)Friendship is very important.

b)My friends are creative and talented people.

c)I have quite a few friends.


6 ) Check the following paragraphs for unity. Select the number of sentences that do not belong in the paragraph.


(1) One of the great mysteries of archeology, the study of past human life and culture, is the Nazca Lines. (2) In the desert south of Lima, Peru, these lines form drawings so huge that they are best viewed from an airplane. (3) Depicting enormous hummingbirds, monkeys, whales, spiders, and geometric shapes, these lines were scratched into the earth over thousand years from 500 BC to 500 AD. (4) Since their “discovery” by a pilot in the 1930s, scientists have struggled to understand their meaning. (5) Some researchers believe that the Nazca lines served a spiritual purpose and were a way to communicate with the gods. (4) Many others claim that the lines predicted seasonal changes and other astrological events. (5) Some believe that the lines pointed to precious sources of water. (6) The mystery of the crystal skulls is another great mystery of archeology. (7) The most far-fetched theory about the Nazca lines is that they sent messages to space aliens and provided runways where ships from outer space could land.



a)sentence 7

b)sentence 6

c)sentence 3




7)If the sentence is limited enough to be the topic sentence of a good paragraph, select “good topic sentence.” If the sentence is NOT limited enough to be the topic sentence of a good paragraph, select “needs revision.”


Friendship is very important.


a)good topic sentence

b)needs revision



8) When a hurricane is bearing down on your city, you may find it tempting to ignore the advice of emergency personnel and ride out the storm in your own home. However, if you are in a hurricane’s path and have been urged to evacuate, you should always choose to leave the area if you can do so. Hurricanes are powerful forces of nature with high winds and storm surges that quickly destroy property and sometimes kill thousands of people. You will risk the lives of yourself and your family members if you remain in your home despite orders to evacuate. Even if you do survive the storm and your home is left intact, the storm’s damage to your community may create a new set of hardships that put your family’s health and safety at risk. You may be without electricity or clean water for days. Stores may be closed, and you may be unable to obtain food or gasoline. Roads and bridges may be washed away, cutting you off from your sources of supplies. If you decide to stay in your home because you’re worried about your deserted house being a target for thieves, remember that you can take many of your valuables with you when you go, and your remaining material possessions should be covered by your homeowner’s insurance plan. Don’t ever risk your life to protect a bunch of replaceable things.


This paragraph was written for an audience of


a)people who live in the city.

b)people who would choose not to evacuate when a hurricane is approaching.

c)emergency personnel who give evacuation orders.