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1. Explain the importance of knowing the structure of a text.  2….

1. Explain the importance of knowing the structure of a text. 

2. Compare the use of the comprehension strategy of summarizing an informational text and a narrative text. 

3. Choose the correct answer and explain your reasoning why it is correct and why the others are not correct.

A fifth-grade teacher is preparing activities for students to do prior to an independent reading of several texts with the same theme of teamwork. The teacher wants to direct students to do a close reading with the question, “What does it mean to collaborate? What makes it difficult? What makes it easy?” What should the teacher include in the directions? 

A. Identify the text structure of each reading and note the ways the author used transitional devices.

B. Identify words that are unknown to you and determine what they mean using the context of the reading. Use a dictionary to confirm their meaning.

C. Summarize each section of the reading being sure to use the same language as the author.

D. Highlight parts of the text that include evidence of the author’s point of view and word choice.

4. Choose the correct answer and explain your reasoning why it is correct and why the others are not correct.

A first-grade teacher plans activities to use after reading a storybook with illustrations to the class. The teacher has been doing an author study and has read many books by the author. To ensure that students complete a literacy analysis, which of the following should she do? 

A. Ask students to draw their own picture of something that happened in the story.

B. Ask students to turn and talk to a partner about the words they heard that begin with the letter b.

C. Lead students in a discussion about the character’s response to certain events in the story and what the character might do next.

D. Lead the students in naming the books that have been read that were written by the same author.

5. Respond to the following prompts based on the tutoring you provide in your Field Experience. 

A.  Describe the learning objectives you have for your student based on the pretest(s) you gave.

B.  Explain how you are working with other school professionals (ex: your mentor) to plan and jointly facilitate the learning of the students you are tutoring.