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1. Example of an educational newsletter on the topic of Risk and…

1. Example of an educational newsletter on the topic of Risk and Resiliency to address stressors facing family systems. Show me examples of the reader appeal and resources for families.

Examples of how to distribute the newsletter to meet challenges families may have with receiving the newsletter and their ability to read or comprehend the information.  Examples of how adaptations will you use to meet challenges? Show the newsletter and how you will distribute and meet the challenges.


2. Example on physical punishment of children, show an example on reflecting on the parenting style you experienced or used with your children or have observed others practice.  Example of the harm that physical punishment can have on children emotionally, physically, personally, socially.  Show examples on effective alternative ways to interact with challenging behavior in children. Write two examples on substantial paragraphs. explaining to families the dangers of spanking and alternatives to physical punishment. Use the checklists as Assessment in your personal practice with children.

 What about Physical Punishment? Links to an external site.

   to an external site.

   to an external site.

            Pledge to Stop Spanking Children Links to an external site.

            To Spank or not to Spank Links to an external site.


3. Write an example to this peer. Do you agree?  Why or why not?  

Resilience is described as a process rather than a characteristic or a trait, but at the same time, it is the process that works from a person’s personality traits, resources, and their ecological system. Risk factors are defined as an experience, events, or conditions that may form or cause a problem. Therefore, risk and resilience do depend on a person’s ecological system in which they live, and their own traits and it will affect different outcomes for everyone.

As for the importance of parent involvement in education, research has shown the differences in outcomes when parents are involved in their child’s classroom and school versus not being involved. Parents who are involved in their child’s classroom and or school have proved to have better attendance, behavior, grades, and have better social skills.

4. Write an example to this peer. Do you agree?  Why or why not?  

 Resilience is best described as a process. Also, it is a process that engages personality traits, personal resources, and other aspects from the larger ecological system. Risk factors are individual, school, peer, family, and community influences that increase the likelihood that a child will experience social or health problems. The child who feels safe and protected in an environment is more likely to be able to rely on his inner resources that may have been strengthened in social contexts with caring adults. Families that practice the risk and resilience factor are happier and have more positive dreams to make come true. Their vision is structured to improve performance and relationships.

Parents’ involvement will help the child become more resilient. Parents need to make sure they have a positive home, school, and social environment for the child to have a successful path. If the parent need help, they can reach out to a licensed professional with help finding more ways to produce a resilient environment or life status. It is also important for parents to model coping strategies to help the children improve their morals and values. 

 Communication is one of the most important things a parent can do to guide and support the child’s social development. Talking to your children will make them feel comfortable and even acquire knowledge about things in the future. Children need their parents and admire the way life is lived through someone that looks just like them.