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06.03 – Narrative Techniques   What is  dialogue ?   Describe…

06.03 – Narrative Techniques


What is dialogue?

Describe the two ways dialogue enhances your story.





List three simple rules for punctuating dialogue.







Taglines are __________ __________ that not only identify the _____________ in written ____________, but also give the reader information about the ______________ ____________. Taglines may be placed ______________, ______________, or ___________quotations. The rules vary slightly on where taglines are placed.


Fill in the blanks below to show your learning about tagline rules.
Tagline Placement Rule Example
Before quotations

Put a comma _________the tag.

___________ and punctuate the spoken words as normal.

Mel inquired, “What’s that noise?”
After quotations

Put a ___________  after the tag or speaker’s name.

Capitalize and punctuate the spoken words as normal.

*Exception: If the spoken words end with a period, change the period to a ______________.

“What’s that noise?” Mel inquired.


*”I hear a noise,” stated Mel.

Between quotations

Put a __________  _____________the tag or speaker’s name.

Place quotations around the second set of spoken words.

Capitalize and punctuate the spoken words as normal.

“What’s that noise?” Mel inquired. “Everybody run!”


A flashback is a writing technique used to ____________ ______________ in order to show a _________ ___________or an _____________ _______________. These brief glimpses into the past happened before the narrative _________and serve to describe a character’s ___________, build ___________, or fill a ________ in a character’s __________.


Foreshadowing is a narrative technique used to __________ or signal something __________ of ____________ in a text. It’s commonly used to create _______________ and/or advance the plot of a story.  Foreshadowing doesn’t only happen in scary stories or movies. It happens in most works of fiction. ____________, repeated ____________, character ________________, and ______________ can all foreshadow events to come.


Define juxtaposition.  Provide an example.


Pacing consists of the methods or strategies a writer uses to ___________ a _________ or create _________, _________, and/or ___________in a text. There are a number of techniques a writer can use to ________ ______ or _________ _________ the speed at which a story moves.


Complete the chart below to show your learning about the ways authors can change the pace of a text.


Pacing Technique Description



Sentence Length



Sensory details, or imagery, draw your readers in and make them feel like they are a ________ of your narrative’s ________. These details describe what your characters _______, ________, _________, _________, and __________. They allow readers to experience things with the characters, becoming __________ in the story rather than simply spectating.


06.04 – Body Language 


The exposition of a narrative grabs your reader’s attention. The body, or ____________ __________ and _________, will establish your _________________and move the reader from event to event to try to _____________your protagonist’s dilemma.


According to page 3, what five things do you need to include in the rising action and climax (body) of your narrative story?






Fill out the chart below to show how figurative language can enhance the reader’s understanding of what’s happening in your narrative.
  Example  What is the effect of this figurative language? 





**If you forgot what the words in the chart mean, you may want to use a dictionary to look up the definitions and add them to your notes!



What are the positive effects of blending narration with dialogue?


? Although you are not submitting the body of your narrative at this time, you should write it at this time. Save it to submit to your teacher later. 


06.05 Raise Your Voices


What are the two “stars” of a simple sentence?


The subject =
The verb =


What are the three characteristics of sentences written in active voice?








Write an example of a sentence written in active voice.


What is the difference between a sentence written in active voice and a sentence written in passive voice? (Hint: think about the placement of the subject.)


What are the four traits of sentences written in passive voice? 










Write an example of a sentence written in passive voice.


Which two types of writing are best for using active voice?  

Which three types of writing are best for using passive voice?


06.06 Transitioning to The End – Google doc alternative worksheet


The falling action and resolution will show your readers how everything _________ ________. If your character was battling an enemy, your reader will find out who _________. If your character was trying to reach a ____________, your reader will discover if their efforts were _______________.
Your resolution may be ____________, but it has to be ____________. It should be based on everything that’s happened before and should clearly let the reader know that the story is ___________.


What is a reflection?


What are temporal transitions?


What are some examples of temporal words/phrases that show something has already happened?


What are some examples of temporal words/phrases that show things are happening together?


What are some examples of temporal words/phrases that show something happened after another event?


?You will be submitting your entire narrative for review for this assignment. 


06.07 Moody Verbs

What are “moody” verbs and how are they used? 


The conditional mood uses ___________ ___________ to explain that something in the sentence __________ on something else in the sentence.

What are some examples of helping verbs?


Write an example sentence using conditional mood.


Imperative mood is used when a writer wants to _________ ___________ what to ______ or _________ a __________. When considering whether or not to include imperative mood in your writing, it’s important to note that it’s not __________ or _________. It shows __________ and authority.


Write an example of a sentence using imperative mood.


A sentence written in indicative mood __________ a _________. Most writing, whether academic or creative, will consist of indicative mood because of its _______________ nature.


Write an example of a sentence using indicative mood.


Interrogative mood may seem familiar. It’s probably because interrogative sentences exist as well. Think of these as one and the same. The purpose of both is to __________ a ______________. This means you’ll see a ______________ ____________ at the end of these questioning statements.


make an example of a sentence using interrogative mood.


Subjunctive mood reflects things that haven’t _________ ______________, are ____________, or are based on _______________.


Write an example of a sentence using subjunctive mood.


6.08 DBA – Set up an appointment with your teacher before moving to the next lesson. Review 


06.09 Advanced Next Level Narration- Google doc alternative worksheet 


Narrative techniques come in many shapes and sizes. They take us backwards and forwards in __________, allow us to listen to characters’ ___________, and invite us into the ____________of the story. Writing narratives allows authors to use __________ and __________ to invite their readers into a tale that ___________ and ______________.


Complete the chart below to show your learning about narrative techniques.


Technique Definition Example

“Thanks for meeting me to study, Caroline! You’re always there when I need you,” signed Carly.


“That’s what friends are for, right? Besides—we have an agreement. I help you with math, you help me with language arts!” Caroline expressed with a smile.

figurative language The use of allusion, hyperbole, idiom, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, or simile to provide a unique comparison or clarification to a reader.  
flashback   The sound of the violin flooded her with memories. She was that young girl again, on a bright stage staring out into a sea of admiring faces that had shown up to hear her play. She remembered every movement of the bow on the strings and found herself playing an imaginary violin nestled invisibly on her shoulder.
foreshadowing A narrative technique used to suggest or signal something ahead of time in a text. A writer may use character interactions, repetition, or weather to foreshadow events to come.  
juxtaposition A writer’s side-by-side placement of two contrasting descriptions, ideas, characters, actions, or events in a text.  
pacing   That afternoon was the kind of hot that makes the whole world seem to slow down and move in slow motion. The chairs rocked slower on the porches, the ice melted quickly in the glasses, and the sweat seemed to pour from the faces of the children that dared to play outside.
sensory details Imagery that appeals to the reader’s sight, smell, sound, taste, or touch.  


Describe stream of consciousness.